时间: 2025-01-10 19:28:32【Gǔn】音标
【Gǔn】 近义词: 联想词
1. 他是一个传说中的生物,身形巨大。
He is a legendary creature with a massive form.
2. 在古代神话中,鯀被描述为一种巨型鱼。
In ancient mythology, Gǔn is described as a giant fish.
3. 传说鯀能够变形,有着超自然的能力。
Legends say that Gǔn can shapeshift and possesses supernatural powers.
4. 古代书籍中常提到鯀的故事。
Stories of Gǔn are often mentioned in ancient texts.
5. 鯀的形象在中国文化中被传颂。
The image of Gǔn is celebrated in Chinese culture.
6. 许多关于鯀的传说在民间流传。
Many legends about Gǔn circulate in folklore.
7. 人们相信鯀与自然界有着密切的联系。
People believe that Gǔn has a close connection with nature.
8. 在一些艺术作品中,鯀被描绘为一条巨大的生物。
In some artworks, Gǔn is portrayed as a gigantic creature.
9. 古代画作中常见鯀的身影。
Gǔn is often depicted in ancient paintings.
10. 鯀的故事象征着对自然力量的敬畏。
The story of Gǔn symbolizes reverence for natural forces.
11. 在传说中,鯀有时被视为力量的象征。
In legends, Gǔn is sometimes regarded as a symbol of strength.
12. 人们常常用鯀来比喻各种事物。
People often use Gǔn as a metaphor for various things.
13. 许多关于鯀的故事引发了人们的思考。
Many stories about Gǔn provoke thought among people.
14. 在古代,鯀被认为是一种神秘的存在。
In ancient times, Gǔn was considered a mysterious existence.
15. 鯀的传说在民间故事中占有重要地位。
The legend of Gǔn holds an important place in folk tales.
16. 关于鯀的讨论常常引起热烈的反响。
Discussions about Gǔn often spark lively responses.
17. 他在传说中的形象深深扎根于人们的心中。
His image in legends is deeply rooted in people's hearts.
18. 鯀的故事在历史中具有重要的文化意义。
The story of Gǔn has significant cultural meaning in history.
19. 在文学作品中,鯀常常被作为主题。
In literary works, Gǔn is often used as a theme.