恶性 - malicious
魔法 - magic
魔术 - magic trick
超自然 - supernatural
神话 - mythology
幻觉 - illusion
咒语 - spell
灵魂 - soul
黑暗 - darkness
传说 - legend
1. 他在故事中是一个恶魔。
He is a demon in the story.
2. 他们相信恶魔会附身。
They believe that demons can possess people.
3. 她的魔法可以驱赶恶魔。
Her magic can drive away demons.
4. 这本书讲述了恶魔与人的斗争。
This book tells @the@ story of @the@ struggle between demons and humans.
5. 恶魔的形象在文化中千变万化。
The image of the demon varies widely across cultures.
6. 他在梦中见到了一个恶魔。
He saw a demon in his dream.
7. 恶魔通常被描绘成有角的生物。
Demons are often depicted as horned creatures.
8. 这个传说中的恶魔有着强大的力量。
The demon in this legend has great power.
9. 她的故事里充满了恶魔的元素。
Her story is filled with elements of demons.
10. 恶魔的存在是许多宗教信仰的核心。
The @existence@ of demons is central to many religious beliefs.
1. 他在故事中是一个恶魔。
He is a demon in the story.
2. 他们相信恶魔会附身。
They believe that demons can possess people.
3. 她的魔法可以驱赶恶魔。
Her magic can drive away demons.
4. 这本书讲述了恶魔与人的斗争。
This book tells @the@ story of @the@ struggle between demons and humans.
5. 恶魔的形象在文化中千变万化。
The image of the demon varies widely across cultures.
6. 他在梦中见到了一个恶魔。
He saw a demon in his dream.
7. 恶魔通常被描绘成有角的生物。
Demons are often depicted as horned creatures.
8. 这个传说中的恶魔有着强大的力量。
The demon in this legend has great power.
9. 她的故事里充满了恶魔的元素。
Her story is filled with elements of demons.
10. 恶魔的存在是许多宗教信仰的核心。
The @existence@ of demons is central to many religious beliefs.