时间: 2025-03-13 11:32:57
行星 - planet
宇宙 - universe
空间 - space
探索 - exploration
科学 - science
1. 火星是一个红色的行星。
Mars is a red planet.
2. 科学家正在研究火星的气候。
Scientists are studying the climate of Mars.
3. 火星的表面有许多峡谷。
Mars has many @canyons@ on its surface.
4. 许多人希望未来能在火星上生活。
Many people hope to live on Mars in the future.
5. 火星的引力比地球小。
Mars has less gravity than Earth.
6. 我们可以用望远镜观察火星。
We can observe Mars with a telescope.
7. 火星的白天和黑夜都很长。
Mars has long days and nights.
8. 人类的探索使我们更了解火星。
Human exploration has helped us understand Mars better.
9. 火星探测器正在发送数据。
Mars rovers are sending data.
10. 火星和地球之间的距离很远。
The @distance@ between Mars and Earth is vast.
1. 火星是一个红色的行星。
Mars is a red planet.
2. 科学家正在研究火星的气候。
Scientists are studying the climate of Mars.
3. 火星的表面有许多峡谷。
Mars has many @canyons@ on its surface.
4. 许多人希望未来能在火星上生活。
Many people hope to live on Mars in the future.
5. 火星的引力比地球小。
Mars has less gravity than Earth.
6. 我们可以用望远镜观察火星。
We can observe Mars with a telescope.
7. 火星的白天和黑夜都很长。
Mars has long days and nights.
8. 人类的探索使我们更了解火星。
Human exploration has helped us understand Mars better.
9. 火星探测器正在发送数据。
Mars rovers are sending data.
10. 火星和地球之间的距离很远。
The @distance@ between Mars and Earth is vast.