黄昏 - dusk
日落 - sunset
夜晚 - night
晚餐 - dinner
夜空 - night sky
聚会 - gathering
散步 - walk
灯光 - light
安静 - quiet
放松 - relax
1. 傍晚的公园里很美。
The park is beautiful in the evening.
2. 我们在傍晚散步。
We take a walk in the evening.
3. 傍晚的天空被染成了橙色。
The evening sky is painted orange.
4. 傍晚是我一天中最喜欢的时光。
Evening is my favorite time of the day.
5. 许多人在傍晚聚会。
Many people @gather@ in the evening.
6. 傍晚的微风很舒服。
The evening breeze is very pleasant.
7. 我喜欢在傍晚吃晚餐。
I like to have @dinner@ in the evening.
8. 傍晚,街道上灯光闪烁。
In @@the@@ evening, @@the@@ lights on @@the@@ street twinkle.
9. 傍晚的城市看起来很迷人。
The city looks @charming@ in the evening.
10. 傍晚的时候,鸟儿回巢。
In @the@ evening, @the@ birds return to @the@ir nests.
1. 傍晚的公园里很美。
The park is beautiful in the evening.
2. 我们在傍晚散步。
We take a walk in the evening.
3. 傍晚的天空被染成了橙色。
The evening sky is painted orange.
4. 傍晚是我一天中最喜欢的时光。
Evening is my favorite time of the day.
5. 许多人在傍晚聚会。
Many people @gather@ in the evening.
6. 傍晚的微风很舒服。
The evening breeze is very pleasant.
7. 我喜欢在傍晚吃晚餐。
I like to have @dinner@ in the evening.
8. 傍晚,街道上灯光闪烁。
In @@the@@ evening, @@the@@ lights on @@the@@ street twinkle.
9. 傍晚的城市看起来很迷人。
The city looks @charming@ in the evening.
10. 傍晚的时候,鸟儿回巢。
In @the@ evening, @the@ birds return to @the@ir nests.