距离 - distance
旅程 - journey
旅行 - travel
目的地 - destination
远方的 - far-off
偏远的 - remote
远足者 - hiker
探险 - expedition
广阔 - vast
无边 - boundless
1. 我们要走很远的路。
We need to walk a very long distance.
2. 他的家在远方。
@His@ home is far away.
3. 她喜欢远足。
She enjoys hiking.
4. 你能看到远处的山吗?
Can you see @the@ @mountains@ in @the@ distance?
5. 远距离旅行很累。
Long @distance@ travel is exhausting.
6. 这条路是通往远方的。
This road leads to distant places.
7. 我们计划一次远足。
We are planning a hike.
8. 他在远方工作。
He works in a far-off place.
9. 这是一段遥远的旅程。
@This@ is a long journey.
10. 远方的风景总是吸引人。
The scenery in the @distance@ is always captivating.
1. 我们要走很远的路。
We need to walk a very long distance.
2. 他的家在远方。
@His@ home is far away.
3. 她喜欢远足。
She enjoys hiking.
4. 你能看到远处的山吗?
Can you see @the@ @mountains@ in @the@ distance?
5. 远距离旅行很累。
Long @distance@ travel is exhausting.
6. 这条路是通往远方的。
This road leads to distant places.
7. 我们计划一次远足。
We are planning a hike.
8. 他在远方工作。
He works in a far-off place.
9. 这是一段遥远的旅程。
@This@ is a long journey.
10. 远方的风景总是吸引人。
The scenery in the @distance@ is always captivating.