
时间: 2025-03-12 11:05:18





1. n. 需要,要求;缺乏;必要之物

2. vt. 需要

3. vi. 需要


CET4   TEM4    ( needing, needed, needs )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Need 是一个表示需求或必要性的单词。它可以指某种必需品的缺乏,或者某种情况的必需。
  • 词性:动词(verb)和名词(noun)。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Need 来源于古英语 “nēad”,意指“紧急的情况、必要性”。其词根 “nēd” 与德语的 “Not” 和荷兰语的 “nood” 有相似的含义,均与“困境”或“需要”相关。
  • 历史背景:Need 在英语中的使用可以追溯到8世纪,最早出现在各种古老的文献中,表现出人类的基本生存需求。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在商业信函或学术文章中,need 常用于表达必要性或要求。例如:“We need to address the issues raised in the meeting.” (我们需要解决会议中提出的问题。)
    • 非正式:在日常对话中,need 可以指代个人的需求或愿望。例如:“I need a vacation!” (我需要假期!)
  • 特殊场合:在法律领域,need 可能用于描述法律要求或义务,例如:“The defendant had a need to comply with the court order.” (被告有必要遵守法庭命令。)

4. 示例句子:

  1. I need to finish my homework before dinner.
  2. There is a need for more resources in the community.
  3. Do you need any help with that?
  4. The company has expressed a need for additional staff.
  5. She felt a need to speak out against injustice.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Require:强调对某事的必要性。
    • Want:更多表示渴望而非必须。
    • Necessitate:强调某事的必然性。
  • 反义词

    • Want (在某些语境下):虽然都表示需求,但 want 更多是愿望而非必要。
    • Abundance:表示丰富或富足,与缺乏相关的 need 相对。

. 学方法:

  • 词根记忆法:可以通过分析词根“nēad”来记住 need 的含义,强调人类生存中永恒的需求。
  • 谐音联想记忆:可以将 need 想象成“你需要”的发音,帮助记忆其含义。

7. 关联词汇:

  • 必需品(necessity)
  • 请求(request)
  • 需求(demand)
  • 资源(resources)
  • 帮助(help)

通过以上的分析,你可以更深入地理解和记忆英文单词 need,并在各种语境中灵活运用。


1、[[no cont]] If you need something, or need to do something, you cannot successfully achieve what you want or live properly without it. 需要

  1. 例:He desperately needed money.他急需钱。

  2. 例:I need to make a phone call.我需要打个电话。

  3. 例:I need you to do something for me.我需要你为我做些事。

  4. 例:I need you here, Wally.沃利,我这儿需要你。

2、[N-COUNT] Need is also a noun. 需要

  1. 例:Charles has never felt the need to compete with anyone.查尔斯从未感觉到与人竞争的需要。

  2. 例:...the child who never had his need for attention and importance satisfied.…那个受关注和重视的需要从未得到过满足的孩子。

3、[[no cont]] If an object or place needs something done to it, that action should be done to improve the object or place. If a task needs doing, it should be done to improve a particular situation. 需要

  1. 例:The building needs quite a few repairs.这栋楼不少处需要修缮。

  2. 例:...a garden that needs tidying.…一个需要整理的花园。

4、[N-SING] If there is a need for something, that thing would improve a situation or something cannot happen without it. 需要; 必要

  1. 例:Mr. Forrest believes there is a need for other similar schools throughout the country.福里斯特先生相信全国上下有对其他类似学校的需要。

  2. 例:"I think we should see a specialist."—"I don't think there's any need for that."“我想我们应该看个专家。”—“我认为没那必要。”

5、[[with neg]] If you say that someone does not need to do something, you are telling them not to do it, or advising or suggesting that they should not do it. 必要 (用于劝告或建议)

  1. 例:Well, for Heaven's sake, you don't need to apologize.好啦,看在老天爷的份上,你不必道歉了。

6、[[no cont, with neg]] Need is also a modal. 必要 (用于劝告或建议)

  1. 例:"I'll put the key in the window."—"You needn't bother," he said gruffly.“我将把钥匙放进窗户里去。”—“不必麻烦,”他粗声粗气地说。

  2. 例:Look, you needn't shout.喂,你不必喊。

7、[[no cont, with neg]] If you tell someone that they don't need to do something, or that something need not happen, you are telling them that that thing is not necessary, in order to make them feel better. 一定 (用于劝告或建议)

  1. 例:He replied, with a reassuring smile, "Oh, you don't need to worry about them."他面带鼓励的微笑答道:“哦,你不必为他们担心。”

8、[[with brd-neg]] Need is also a modal. 一定 (用于劝告或建议)

  1. 例:You needn't worry.你不必担心。

  2. 例:We have learned that a market crash need not lead to economic disaster.我们已经认识到一次市场崩溃未必导致经济灾难。

9、[[no cont]] You use don't need to when you are giving someone permission not to do something. 否定词后接(need to),表示允许不做某事

  1. 例:You don't need to wait for me.你不用等我。

10、[[with neg]] Need is also a modal. (Need)也作情态动词

  1. 例:You needn't come again, if you don't want to.如果你不愿意,就不用再来了。

11、[[with neg]] If someone needn't have done something, they didn't need to do it. 本不需要

  1. 例:She could have made the sandwich herself; her mother needn't have bothered to do anything.她本可以自己做三明治;她母亲本来不用费心做任何事。

  2. 例:I was a little nervous when I announced my engagement to Grace, but I needn't have worried.当宣布和格雷丝订婚时我有点儿紧张,其实不用担心。

12、[[no cont, with neg]] If someone didn't need to do something, it wasn't necessary or useful for them to do it, although they did it. 本不需要

  1. 例:You didn't need to give me any more money you know, but thank you.你知道你本不需要再给我钱了,不过谢谢了。

13、[[强调]] You use need in expressions such as I need hardly say and I needn't add to emphasize that the person you are talking to already knows what you are going to say. 用于(I need hardly say)和(I needn't add)短语中,强调对方已然知晓将要说的话

  1. 例:I needn't add that if you fail to do as I ask, you will suffer the consequences.我不必再说了,如果你不能按我说的做,你要承担一切后果。

14、[[no cont]] Need is also a verb. (Need)亦为动词

  1. 例:I hardly need to say that I have never lost contact with him.几乎不用说,我从未和他失去联系。

15、[PHRASE] People in need do not have enough of essential things such as money, food, or good health. 需要帮助的

  1. 例:The portable clinic will take doctors to children in need.移动诊所将为需要帮助的孩子们带去医生。

16、[PHRASE] If you are in need of something, you need it or ought to have it. 需要

  1. 例:I was all right but in need of rest.当时我挺好的,就是需要休息。

  2. 例:He was badly in need of a shave.当时他特别需要刮个胡子。

17、[PHRASE] If you say that you will do something, especially an extreme action, if need be, you mean that you will do if it is necessary. 需要的话

  1. 例:They will act as my legal advisers if need be.需要的话,他们会作我的法律顾问。