
时间: 2025-03-11 20:06:19





1. adv. 现在;如今;立刻

2. adj. 现在的

3. n. 现在;目前

4. conj. 由于;既然


CET4   TEM4   



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:表示当前的时间,相对过去或未来的时间。
  • 词性:副词 (adverb)

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:该单词源自古英语“nū”,其词根可能与一些日耳曼语族的词汇相关,表示“现在”或“此时”的意思。
  • 历史背景:首次使用可以追溯到公元前的日耳曼语言,后在古英语中普遍使用,逐渐演变为现代英语的“now”。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境
    • 正式语境:在正式报告、演讲或学术论文中,"now"常用于引入当前讨论的主题或观点。
    • 非正式语境:在日常对话中使用较为普遍,比如“Now, let’s go” (现在,我们走吧)。
  • 特殊场合
    • 法律:在法律文件中,"now"常用于指代当前的法律状态或时间框架。
    • 科学:在科学研究中,"now"用于表述当前的研究进展或状况。

4. 示例句子:

  1. Now I understand the problem.
    • 现在我明白这个问题了。
  2. We need to act now to prevent further damage.
    • 我们需要立即采取行动以防止进一步的损害。
  3. He is living in the now, not worrying about the future.
    • 他活在当下,不担心未来。
  4. Now is the time to make a decision.
    • 现在是做决定的时候了。
  5. They are together now, after years of separation.
    • 他们现在在一起,经过多年的分离。

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词
    • Currently:表示“当前”,更正式一些。
    • At present:也是指“现在”,常用于书面语。
  • 反义词
    • Then:表示“那时”,与“now”形成时间上的对立。
    • Later:表示“稍后”,指未来的时间。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法
    • 发音为 /naʊ/,可以通过重复发音来加深记忆。想象一个时钟,指针指向现在的时刻,以此加强对“now”的记忆。

7. 关联词汇:

  • right now:现在立刻
  • from now on:从现在开始
  • nowadays:如今,现今



1、[ADV] You use now to refer to the present time, often in contrast to a time in the past or the future. 现在

  1. 例:She's a widow now.她现在是一个寡妇。

  2. 例:But we are now a much more fragmented society.但是我们现在是一个更加四分五裂的社会。

2、[PRON] Now is also a pronoun. 现在

  1. 例:Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible.现在是我们都必须尽可能节俭度日的时候了。

3、[[ADV after v]] If you do something now, you do it immediately. 马上

  1. 例:I'm sorry, but I must go now.对不起,但是我得马上走。

4、[PRON] Now is also a pronoun. 马上

  1. 例:Now is your chance to talk to him.马上就是你和他谈话的机会了。

5、[CONJ] You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen. 既然

  1. 例:Now you're settled, why don't you take up some serious study?既然你安顿下来了,为什么不做些认真的研究呢?

6、[ADV] You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened. 这样一来

  1. 例:Mrs. Chandra has received one sweater for each of her five children and says that the winter will not be so hard now.钱德拉太太已经收到了发给她5个孩子每人一件的毛衫,并且说这样一来冬天就不会那么难过了。

  2. 例:She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters.她告诉我不要重复它,但是这样一来我认为它不重要了。

7、[ADV] In stories and accounts of past events, now is used to refer to the particular time that is being written or spoken about. 这会儿; 那时候

  1. 例:She felt a little better now.这会儿她觉得好点儿了。

  2. 例:It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door.布莱克那时锁他的房门已经太晚了。

8、[ADV] You use now in statements which specify the length of time up to the present that something has lasted. 到现在

  1. 例:They've been married now for 30 years.他们结婚至今已30年。

  2. 例:They have been missing for a long time now.到现在他们已经失踪很长时间了。

9、[[ADV cl]] You say "Now" or "Now then" to indicate to the person or people you are with that you want their attention, or that you are about to change the subject. (用于引起注意或用于转换话题) 好了

  1. 例:"Now then," Max said, "to get back to the point."“好了,”马克斯说:“回到正题。”

  2. 例:Now then, what's the trouble?好了,出什么问题了?

10、[[ADV with cl]] You use now to give a slight emphasis to a request or command. (用于婉转地强调请求或命令) 好了

  1. 例:Come on now. You know you must be hungry.好了。你看你一定是饿了。

  2. 例:Come and sit down here, now.好了,来坐在这里吧。

11、[[ADV cl]] You can say "Now" to introduce information which is relevant to the part of a story or account that you have reached, and which needs to be known before you can continue. 你要知道 (用于信息承上启下)

  1. 例:My son went to Aspen, in Colorado. Now he and his wife are people who love a quiet holiday.我儿子去了科罗拉多的阿斯彭。你要知道,他和他妻子是喜欢安静假期的人。

12、[[ADV cl]] You say "Now" to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said. 然而

  1. 例:Now, if it was me, I'd want to do more than just change the locks.然而,如果是我,我要做的远不只是换换锁。

13、[PHRASE] If you say that something happens now and then or every now and again, you mean that it happens sometimes but not very often or regularly. 偶尔

  1. 例:My father has a collection of magazines to which I return every now and then.我父亲收藏杂志,我偶尔会翻阅一下。

14、[PHRASE] If you say that something will happen any day now, any moment now, or any time now, you mean that it will happen very soon. 不久

  1. 例:Jim expects to be sent to Europe any day now.吉姆期待不久就被派往欧洲。

15、[[口语]] Just now means a very short time ago. 刚才

  1. 例:You looked pretty upset just now.你刚才看上去很沮丧。

  2. 例:I spoke just now of being in love.我刚才说到恋爱了。

16、[[口语]] You use just now when you want to say that a particular situation exists at the time when you are speaking, although it may change in the future. 此刻

  1. 例:I'm pretty busy just now.我此刻很忙。

17、[[口语]] People such as television hosts sometimes use now for when they are going to start talking about a different subject or start presenting a new activity. 现在转到 (另一个话题或活动)

  1. 例:And now for something completely different.现在谈点完全不同的事情。








now and then英语作文
