内在的英文 - 内在的英文翻译与用法
时间: 2025-01-27 18:30:02原文展示
心理 - Psychology
灵魂 - Soul
自我 - Self
情感 - Emotion
思想 - Thought
反思 - Reflection
内心世界 - Inner world
人性 - Human nature
内心感受 - Inner feelings
人格 - Personality
1. 她的内心世界非常丰富。
Her inner world is very rich.
2. 内在的自我需要被理解。
The inner self needs to be understood.
3. 我们常常忽视内在的情感。
We often overlook inner emotions.
4. 自我反思是内省的重要部分。
Self-reflection is an important part of introspection.
5. 内在价值比外在表现更重要。
Intrinsic value is more important than external performance.
6. 她的内心感受总是很复杂。
Her inner feelings are always very complex.
7. 理解人性的内在特征很重要。
Understanding the inner @characteristics@ of human nature is important.
8. 内在的声音引导着我的决定。
The inner voice guides my decisions.
9. 内省可以帮助我们更好地了解自己。
Introspection can help us understand ourselves better.
10. 她的内在美无人能及。
Her inner beauty is unparalleled.
1. 她的内心世界非常丰富。
Her inner world is very rich.
2. 内在的自我需要被理解。
The inner self needs to be understood.
3. 我们常常忽视内在的情感。
We often overlook inner emotions.
4. 自我反思是内省的重要部分。
Self-reflection is an important part of introspection.
5. 内在价值比外在表现更重要。
Intrinsic value is more important than external performance.
6. 她的内心感受总是很复杂。
Her inner feelings are always very complex.
7. 理解人性的内在特征很重要。
Understanding the inner @characteristics@ of human nature is important.
8. 内在的声音引导着我的决定。
The inner voice guides my decisions.
9. 内省可以帮助我们更好地了解自己。
Introspection can help us understand ourselves better.
10. 她的内在美无人能及。
Her inner beauty is unparalleled.