炫耀的英文 - 如何用英语表达炫耀

时间: 2025-03-07 10:44:54



英文注释Show off


英文翻译Show off


翻译思路:在翻译过程中,'炫耀'一词的意义是指以夸张或自我中心的方式展示某种成就或特征。该词在语境中通常带有贬义。选择'Show off'作为翻译,强调了这种展示的夸耀性质。


炫耀 - Show off

  1. 炫 - show

  2. 耀 - shine


夸耀 - boast
炫丽 - brilliant
显示 - display
自我中心 - self-centered
自夸 - self-praise



展示 - exhibit
成就 - achievement
特征 - characteristic
骄傲 - proud
引人注目 - eye-catching
社交媒体 - social media
风格 - style
名声 - reputation
奢华 - luxury
竞争 - competition


1. 他总是喜欢炫耀自己的财富。
   He always likes to show off his wealth.
2. 在聚会上,她炫耀了她的新裙子。
   At the party, she showed off her new dress.
3. 他在社交媒体上炫耀自己的旅行。
   He shows off his travels on social media.
4. 别炫耀你的成功,保持谦逊。
   Don't show off your success; stay humble.
5. 她的炫耀让人们感到厌烦。
   Her show-off attitude annoys people.
6. 他在比赛中炫耀自己的技能。
   He showed off his skills in the competition.
7. 他们在聚会上不停地炫耀。
   They kept showing off at the gathering.
8. 如果你太过炫耀,别人会觉得你虚荣。
   If @you@ show off too much, others will think @you@ are vain.
9. 他的炫耀行为让他失去了朋友。
   His show-off behavior cost him friends.
10. 在职场上,过度炫耀可能会适得其反。
   In the workplace, excessive show-off may backfire.


1. 他总是喜欢炫耀自己的财富。
   He always likes to show off his wealth.
2. 在聚会上,她炫耀了她的新裙子。
   At the party, she showed off her new dress.
3. 他在社交媒体上炫耀自己的旅行。
   He shows off his travels on social media.
4. 别炫耀你的成功,保持谦逊。
   Don't show off your success; stay humble.
5. 她的炫耀让人们感到厌烦。
   Her show-off attitude annoys people.
6. 他在比赛中炫耀自己的技能。
   He showed off his skills in the competition.
7. 他们在聚会上不停地炫耀。
   They kept showing off at the gathering.
8. 如果你太过炫耀,别人会觉得你虚荣。
   If @you@ show off too much, others will think @you@ are vain.
9. 他的炫耀行为让他失去了朋友。
   His show-off behavior cost him friends.
10. 在职场上,过度炫耀可能会适得其反。
   In the workplace, excessive show-off may backfire.