女巫 - witch
小屋 - cottage
黄砖路 - yellow brick road
朋友 - friend
旅程 - journey
勇气 - courage
智慧 - wisdom
心 - heart
梦想 - dream
世界 - world
1. 她是一位强大的女巫。
She is a powerful witch.
2. 他们的旅程充满了冒险。
Their journey is full of adventure.
3. 在黄砖路上,他们遇见了许多朋友。
On the yellow brick road, they met many friends.
4. 故事中有许多奇幻的元素。
The story contains many fantasy elements.
5. 每个角色都有自己的梦想。
Each character has their own dreams.
6. 她需要勇气去面对困难。
She needs courage to face difficulties.
7. 智慧是解决问题的关键。
@Wisdom@ is key to solving problems.
8. 他们的心意是最重要的。
Their intentions are the most important.
9. 这个世界充满了奇迹。
@This@ world is full of wonders.
10. 她的故事激励了许多人。
Her story inspires many people.
1. 她是一位强大的女巫。
She is a powerful witch.
2. 他们的旅程充满了冒险。
Their journey is full of adventure.
3. 在黄砖路上,他们遇见了许多朋友。
On the yellow brick road, they met many friends.
4. 故事中有许多奇幻的元素。
The story contains many fantasy elements.
5. 每个角色都有自己的梦想。
Each character has their own dreams.
6. 她需要勇气去面对困难。
She needs courage to face difficulties.
7. 智慧是解决问题的关键。
@Wisdom@ is key to solving problems.
8. 他们的心意是最重要的。
Their intentions are the most important.
9. 这个世界充满了奇迹。
@This@ world is full of wonders.
10. 她的故事激励了许多人。
Her story inspires many people.