动物 - animal
排泄 - excretion
清理 - cleaning
卫生 - hygiene
气味 - odor
环境 - environment
处理 - disposal
农场 - farm
堆肥 - compost
卫生纸 - toilet paper
1. 公园里有很多狗屎。
There is a lot of dog shit in the park.
2. 我需要清理后院的狗屎。
I need to clean @the@ dog shit in @the@ backyard.
3. 狗屎的气味很难闻。
The smell of dog shit is unpleasant.
4. 在城市里,清理狗屎是责任。
@Cleaning@ up dog shit is a responsibility in the city.
5. 他在草地上踩到了狗屎。
He stepped in dog shit on the lawn.
6. 狗屎可以用作肥料。
Dog shit can be used as fertilizer.
7. 我们应该为狗屎准备一个专门的垃圾袋。
We should prepare a special trash bag for dog shit.
8. 注意不要踩到狗屎。
Be careful not to step in dog shit.
9. 狗主人应该随时清理狗屎。
Dog owners should always clean up dog shit.
10. 狗屎在户外是常见的现象。
Dog shit is a common sight outdoors.
1. 公园里有很多狗屎。
There is a lot of dog shit in the park.
2. 我需要清理后院的狗屎。
I need to clean @the@ dog shit in @the@ backyard.
3. 狗屎的气味很难闻。
The smell of dog shit is unpleasant.
4. 在城市里,清理狗屎是责任。
@Cleaning@ up dog shit is a responsibility in the city.
5. 他在草地上踩到了狗屎。
He stepped in dog shit on the lawn.
6. 狗屎可以用作肥料。
Dog shit can be used as fertilizer.
7. 我们应该为狗屎准备一个专门的垃圾袋。
We should prepare a special trash bag for dog shit.
8. 注意不要踩到狗屎。
Be careful not to step in dog shit.
9. 狗主人应该随时清理狗屎。
Dog owners should always clean up dog shit.
10. 狗屎在户外是常见的现象。
Dog shit is a common sight outdoors.