每日的英文 - 精选每日英语学习内容

时间: 2025-01-30 14:03:45



英文注释Every day must persist in exercising body.


英文翻译You must exercise every day.




每天都要坚持锻炼身体。 - You must exercise every day.

  1. 每天 - every day

  2. 都 - must

  3. 要 - must

  4. 坚持 - persist

  5. 锻炼 - exercise

  6. 身体 - body


运动 - sports
健身 - fitness
健康 - health
规律 - regularity
习惯 - habit



锻炼器材 - exercise equipment
运动员 - athlete
健身房 - gym
减肥 - lose weight
营养 - nutrition
健康饮食 - healthy diet
体能 - physical fitness
运动计划 - exercise plan
恢复 - recovery
体重 - weight


1. 我每天都去跑步。
   I go running every day.
2. 坚持锻炼能提高身体素质。
   @Persisting@ in exercise can improve physical fitness.
3. 每天做一些拉伸运动对健康有益。
   Doing some stretching @exercises@ every day is beneficial for health.
4. 我已经养成了每天锻炼的习惯。
   I have developed the habit of exercising every day.
5. 他每天都会去健身房锻炼。
   He goes @to@ the gym @to@ work out every day.
6. 保持健康的生活方式非常重要。
   Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important.
7. 每天喝足够的水也很关键。
   Drinking enough water every day is also crucial.
8. 运动后要注意休息。
   It's important to rest after exercising.
9. 我计划每周去游泳三次。
   I plan to swim three times a week.
10. 良好的饮食习惯和锻炼相结合最有效。
   Combining good eating habits with @exercise@ is the most effective.


1. 我每天都去跑步。
   I go running every day.
2. 坚持锻炼能提高身体素质。
   @Persisting@ in exercise can improve physical fitness.
3. 每天做一些拉伸运动对健康有益。
   Doing some stretching @exercises@ every day is beneficial for health.
4. 我已经养成了每天锻炼的习惯。
   I have developed the habit of exercising every day.
5. 他每天都会去健身房锻炼。
   He goes @to@ the gym @to@ work out every day.
6. 保持健康的生活方式非常重要。
   Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important.
7. 每天喝足够的水也很关键。
   Drinking enough water every day is also crucial.
8. 运动后要注意休息。
   It's important to rest after exercising.
9. 我计划每周去游泳三次。
   I plan to swim three times a week.
10. 良好的饮食习惯和锻炼相结合最有效。
   Combining good eating habits with @exercise@ is the most effective.