合作伙伴的英文 - 合作伙伴的英语翻译与用法
时间: 2025-01-27 18:28:08原文展示
英文注释:Cooperative partner
英文翻译:Cooperative partner
项目 - Project
团队 - Team
合作协议 - Cooperation Agreement
业务 - Business
交流 - Communication
信任 - Trust
共同目标 - Common Goal
支持 - Support
发展 - Development
投资 - Investment
1. 我们的合作伙伴在项目中扮演重要角色。
Our cooperative partner plays an important role in the project.
2. 与强大的合作伙伴携手合作是成功的关键。
Collaborating with strong partners is the key to success.
3. 建立良好的伙伴关系有助于业务扩展。
@Establishing@ good partnerships helps in business expansion.
4. 我们需要与其他公司建立合作。
We need to establish cooperation with other companies.
5. 信任是合作伙伴关系的基础。
Trust is the foundation of a partnership.
6. 双方必须共同努力以实现共同目标。
Both parties must work @together@ to achieve the common goal.
7. 支持来自我们的合作伙伴,使我们能够成长。
Support from our partners enables us to grow.
8. 我们正在寻找新的投资合作伙伴。
We are looking for new investment partners.
9. 良好的沟通是成功合作的关键。
Good communication is key to successful cooperation.
10. 团队合作能显著提高工作效率。
Team collaboration can significantly improve work efficiency.
1. 我们的合作伙伴在项目中扮演重要角色。
Our cooperative partner plays an important role in the project.
2. 与强大的合作伙伴携手合作是成功的关键。
Collaborating with strong partners is the key to success.
3. 建立良好的伙伴关系有助于业务扩展。
@Establishing@ good partnerships helps in business expansion.
4. 我们需要与其他公司建立合作。
We need to establish cooperation with other companies.
5. 信任是合作伙伴关系的基础。
Trust is the foundation of a partnership.
6. 双方必须共同努力以实现共同目标。
Both parties must work @together@ to achieve the common goal.
7. 支持来自我们的合作伙伴,使我们能够成长。
Support from our partners enables us to grow.
8. 我们正在寻找新的投资合作伙伴。
We are looking for new investment partners.
9. 良好的沟通是成功合作的关键。
Good communication is key to successful cooperation.
10. 团队合作能显著提高工作效率。
Team collaboration can significantly improve work efficiency.