时间: 2025-02-05 08:30:18原文展示
创作 - Creation
文学 - Literature
角色 - Character
情节 - Plot
叙述 - Narration
主题 - Theme
读者 - Reader
风格 - Style
文本 - Text
文体 - Genre
1. 这本书是虚构的作品。
@This@ book is a work of fiction.
2. 他的故事充满了幻想和虚构。
@His@ story is full of fantasy and fiction.
3. 虚构的角色常常比现实中的人更有趣。
Fictional characters are often more interesting than real people.
4. 许多文学作品都涉及虚构的情节。
Many literary works involve fictional plots.
5. 她喜欢阅读虚构类小说。
She enjoys reading fiction novels.
6. 虚构和现实之间的界限有时很模糊。
The boundary @between@ fiction and reality can sometimes be blurred.
7. 编造故事是作者的一项重要技能。
Fabricating stories is an important skill for authors.
8. 虚构的世界让人充满想象。
Fictional worlds spark the imagination.
9. 他的作品在虚构和现实之间游走。
His works straddle the line between fiction and reality.
10. 虚构的故事可以反映社会现实。
Fictional stories can reflect social realities.
1. 这本书是虚构的作品。
@This@ book is a work of fiction.
2. 他的故事充满了幻想和虚构。
@His@ story is full of fantasy and fiction.
3. 虚构的角色常常比现实中的人更有趣。
Fictional characters are often more interesting than real people.
4. 许多文学作品都涉及虚构的情节。
Many literary works involve fictional plots.
5. 她喜欢阅读虚构类小说。
She enjoys reading fiction novels.
6. 虚构和现实之间的界限有时很模糊。
The boundary @between@ fiction and reality can sometimes be blurred.
7. 编造故事是作者的一项重要技能。
Fabricating stories is an important skill for authors.
8. 虚构的世界让人充满想象。
Fictional worlds spark the imagination.
9. 他的作品在虚构和现实之间游走。
His works straddle the line between fiction and reality.
10. 虚构的故事可以反映社会现实。
Fictional stories can reflect social realities.