领先的英文 - 如何用英语表达领先的概念
时间: 2025-01-29 06:50:28原文展示
技术 - technology
企业 - business
市场 - market
竞争 - competition
创新 - innovation
发展 - development
策略 - strategy
管理 - management
团队 - team
领导 - leadership
1. 这家公司在科技行业中处于领先地位。
@This@ company is @in@ a lead@in@g position @in@ the technology @in@dustry.
2. 他在市场营销领域是一个领先的专家。
He is a @leading@ expert in the field of marketing.
3. 他们的创新产品使他们在竞争中领先。
Their @innovative@ products make @them@ @leading@ in the competition.
4. 我们需要制定一个领先的策略。
We need to develop a leading strategy.
5. 她是一位在管理方面的领导者。
She is a leader in management.
6. 这个团队在项目执行中表现出色,始终保持领先。
This team excels in project execution, always maintaining a leading position.
7. 领先的企业通常会在市场中取得成功。
@Leading@ companies often achieve success in the market.
8. 他在行业中的领导地位使他成为了一个重要人物。
His @leading@ position in the industry makes him an important figure.
9. 这项技术是领先的创新之一。
@This@ technology is one of the leading innovations.
10. 为了保持领先,我们必须不断进步。
To stay leading, we must continually improve.
1. 这家公司在科技行业中处于领先地位。
@This@ company is @in@ a lead@in@g position @in@ the technology @in@dustry.
2. 他在市场营销领域是一个领先的专家。
He is a @leading@ expert in the field of marketing.
3. 他们的创新产品使他们在竞争中领先。
Their @innovative@ products make @them@ @leading@ in the competition.
4. 我们需要制定一个领先的策略。
We need to develop a leading strategy.
5. 她是一位在管理方面的领导者。
She is a leader in management.
6. 这个团队在项目执行中表现出色,始终保持领先。
This team excels in project execution, always maintaining a leading position.
7. 领先的企业通常会在市场中取得成功。
@Leading@ companies often achieve success in the market.
8. 他在行业中的领导地位使他成为了一个重要人物。
His @leading@ position in the industry makes him an important figure.
9. 这项技术是领先的创新之一。
@This@ technology is one of the leading innovations.
10. 为了保持领先,我们必须不断进步。
To stay leading, we must continually improve.