海浪的英文 - 学习海洋相关词汇

时间: 2025-01-31 07:06:00



英文注释sea waves / ocean waves


英文翻译Sea Waves


翻译思路:在翻译中,'海浪'指的是大海中的波浪现象,通常用于描述自然景观和气候条件。翻译时直接翻译成' sea waves',强调了其自然特征。


海浪 - Sea Waves

  1. 海 - sea

  2. 浪 - waves


海洋 - ocean
波浪 - wave
潮汐 - tide
水面 - water surface
海岸 - coast



沙滩 - beach
冲浪 - surfing
风浪 - wind waves
水流 - current
潜水 - diving
船只 - boat
海鸥 - seagull
珊瑚 - coral
海洋生物 - marine life
远足 - hiking


1. 我喜欢在海滩上看海浪。
   I like watching @the@ sea waves on @the@ beach.
2. 海浪的声音让我感到放松。
   The sound of the sea waves makes me feel relaxed.
3. 冲浪是一项有趣的水上运动。
   Surfing is an exciting water sport.
4. 海浪拍打岸边,发出悦耳的声音。
   The sea waves crash against the shore, making a pleasant sound.
5. 潮汐影响着海浪的高度。
   The tide affects @the@ height of @the@ sea waves.
6. 在海浪中游泳是非常刺激的体验。
   @Swimming@ in the sea waves is a very thrilling experience.
7. 海鸥在海浪上方盘旋。
   Seagulls circle above the sea waves.
8. 水流和海浪的结合形成了美丽的景象。
   The combination of the current and sea waves creates a beautiful scene.
9. 我想学习更多关于海洋生物的知识。
   I want to learn more about marine life.
10. 日落时海浪的颜色非常迷人。
   The colors of the sea waves at sunset are very enchanting.


1. 我喜欢在海滩上看海浪。
   I like watching @the@ sea waves on @the@ beach.
2. 海浪的声音让我感到放松。
   The sound of the sea waves makes me feel relaxed.
3. 冲浪是一项有趣的水上运动。
   Surfing is an exciting water sport.
4. 海浪拍打岸边,发出悦耳的声音。
   The sea waves crash against the shore, making a pleasant sound.
5. 潮汐影响着海浪的高度。
   The tide affects @the@ height of @the@ sea waves.
6. 在海浪中游泳是非常刺激的体验。
   @Swimming@ in the sea waves is a very thrilling experience.
7. 海鸥在海浪上方盘旋。
   Seagulls circle above the sea waves.
8. 水流和海浪的结合形成了美丽的景象。
   The combination of the current and sea waves creates a beautiful scene.
9. 我想学习更多关于海洋生物的知识。
   I want to learn more about marine life.
10. 日落时海浪的颜色非常迷人。
   The colors of the sea waves at sunset are very enchanting.