时间: 2025-03-06 16:13:47
1. prep. 关于;大约
2. adj. 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的
3. adv. 大约;周围;到处
4. n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人
5. n. (About)人名;(法)阿布
- 字面意思:该单词“about”主要表示“关于”、“在某个地方”、“大约”的意思。
- 词性:介词、副词。
- 词源分析:来自古英语“abutan”,意为“在…周围”,由“a-”(表示“在某处”)和“butan”(表示“没有、外面”)组合而成。
- 历史背景:该词的首次使用可以追溯到8世纪的古英语文献,表现出其在描述方位和主题方面的重要性。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 在正式场合,例如商务会议中,可能会说:“This report is about the quarterly performance analysis.”(这份报告是关于季度业绩分析的。)
- 在非正式场合,例如朋友之间的对话:“What are you thinking about?”(你在想什么?)
- 特殊场合:
- 在法律文献中,常用“about”来指代某个主题或条款:“The law is about the protection of intellectual property.”(该法律是关于知识产权的保护。)
- 正式与非正式语境:
- She told me a story about her childhood.
- 她给我讲了一个关于她童年的故事。
- We talked about the upcoming project during the meeting.
- 我们在会议上谈论了即将到来的项目。
- He was walking about the park when I saw him.
- 我看到他时,他正走在公园里。
- The book is about the history of art.
- 这本书是关于艺术历史的。
- They have been living in this city for about five years.
- 他们在这个城市住了大约五年。 *. What do you think about the new policy?
- 你对新政策有什么看法?
- She is concerned about the environment.
- 她对环境感到担忧。
- The movie is based about real events.
- 这部电影是根据真实**改编的。
- I need to think about it for a while.
- 我需要考虑一下这个问题。
- He is always talking about his travels.
- 他总是在谈论他的旅行经历。
- She told me a story about her childhood.
- 同义词:
- Regarding:更正式,通常用于书面语。
- Concerning:表示“关于”,多用于正式场合。
- 反义词:
- Away from:表示远离某事或某人。
- Opposite:表示相对的、对立的。
- 同义词:
*. *学方法**:
- 音标记忆法:记住“about”的音标为/əˈbaʊt/,可以通过发音反复练*来加深记忆。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想到“阿宝”(about的谐音)这个角色,帮助记忆其表示“关于”的意思。
- 关联词汇:
- Discuss about:讨论关于…
- Think about:考虑…
- Learn about:了解关于…
- Worry about:担心关于…
- Know about:知道关于…
1、[PREP] You use about to introduce who or what something relates to or concerns. 关于; 对于
例:She knew a lot about food.她对食品懂得很多。
例:He never complains about his wife.他对他妻子从不抱怨。
2、[PREP] When you mention the things that an activity or institution is about, you are saying what it involves or what its aims are. 涉及; 旨在
例:Leadership is about the ability to implement change.领导才能是一种实行变革的能力。
3、[PREP] You use about after some adjectives to indicate the person or thing that a feeling or state of mind relates to. 为…感到 (用在某些形容词后,表示与某种感觉或心态有关的人或事)
例:"I'm sorry about Patrick," she said.“我为帕特里克感到难过,”她说道。
4、[PREP] If you do something about a problem, you take action in order to solve it. 针对
例:Rachel was going to do something about Jacob.雷切尔要对雅各布采取行动。
5、[PREP] When you say that there is a particular quality about someone or something, you mean that they have this quality. 在… (具有某种品质)
例:There was a warmth and passion about him I never knew existed.他身上有一种我从来没有认识到的热情和激情。
6、[[ADV num]] About is used in front of a number to show that the number is not exact. 大约
例:The rate of inflation is running at about 2.7 percent.通货膨胀率大约在2.7%。
7、[[v-link ADJ to-inf]] If you are about to do something, you are going to do it very soon. If something is about to happen, it will happen very soon. 就要…的
例:I think he's about to leave.我想他就要离开。
例:Argentina has lifted all restrictions on trade and visas are about to be abolished.阿根廷已经取消了所有的贸易限制,签证就要被废除了。
8、[PHRASE] If someone is out and about, they are going out and doing things, especially after they have been unable to for a while. 到外面活动
例:Despite considerable pain she has been getting out and about almost as normal.尽管很疼,她已经在几乎像正常人一样到外面活动了。