时间: 2025-03-11 23:43:09
1. vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛
2. vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛
3. n. 游戏;比赛;剧本
4. n. (Play)人名;(法、瑞典)普莱
1. 基本定义
"Play" 的字面含义是“进行游戏或活动,表现或演出”。
定义:动词,指参与活动以获得乐趣或娱乐,也可以指在舞台上表演戏剧或音乐等。 -
2. 词源与起源
"Play" 源自古英语单词 "plegan",意为“嬉戏、玩耍”,其词根与德语的 "spielen" 和荷兰语的 "spelen" 相关,均表示游戏或表演的意思。 -
"Play" 作为动词的使用可以追溯到12世纪,最早记录出现在一些古英语文学作品中。在莎士比亚的戏剧中,"play" 被频繁使用,指代戏剧表演和娱乐活动。 -
在*教材中,"play" 常出现在小学英语课本中,适合小学阶段学。在牛津和美国的英语教材中,"play" 通常在初学者和中级学*者的书籍中使用,强调日常对话和基本语法。
3. 使用场景
在正式语境中,"play" 可以用于描述音乐演出或戏剧表演,如 "The orchestra will play at the concert hall."(乐团将在音乐厅演出。)
在非正式语境中,常用于日常交流,如 "Let's play a game!"(我们来玩个游戏吧!) -
在法律领域,"play" 可能用于描述游戏中的法律条款,如 "The rules of the game must be played fairly."(游戏规则必须公平进行。)
在教育中,"play" 被用作学的方式,如 "Play-based learning helps children develop social skills."(基于游戏的学帮助儿童发展社交技能。)
4. 示例句子
Children love to play in the park.
孩子们喜欢在公园里玩耍。 -
She will play the role of Juliet in the school play.
她将在学校的戏剧中扮演朱丽叶的角色。 -
They decided to play a board game after dinner.
他们决定在晚餐后玩一个桌游。 -
The pianist will play a beautiful melody at the concert.
钢琴家将在音乐会上演奏一首美丽的旋律。 -
The children played happily together during recess.
*. He plays soccer every Saturday with his friends.
The actors played their parts convincingly.
演员们 convincingly(令人信服地)扮演了他们的角色。 -
You can play online games with players from around the world.
你可以与来自世界各地的玩家一起玩在线游戏。 -
Let's play a quick game of cards while we wait.
我们在等的时候来玩一局快牌吧。 -
The play was so captivating that the audience gave a standing ovation.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Perform:通常用于表演艺术,强调展现才能。
- Engage:指参与某项活动,但不一定是游戏。
- Recreate:强调娱乐和消遣活动。
- Work:指劳动或工作,通常没有娱乐性质。
- Rest:指休息,通常与活动相对立。
. 学方法
选择 音标记忆法:
- 音标:[pleɪ]
- 通过发音练*,可以记住 "play" 的发音,并联想到它的意思。可以反复朗读并结合具体场景加深记忆。
7. 关联词汇
- Playground(游乐场)
- Playtime(游戏时间)
- Playwright(剧作家)
- Playful(顽皮的)
- Playbook(剧本或策略书)
通过以上分析和示例,可以帮助用户更全面地理解并使用单词 "play"。
1、[V-I] When children, animals, or adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games. 玩耍
例:...invite the children over to play.…邀请孩子们过来玩。
例:They played in the little garden.他们在小花园里玩耍。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] Play is also a noun. 玩
例:...a few hours of play until the babysitter puts them to bed.…直到保姆让他们上床睡觉之前的几小时的玩耍。
3、[V-RECIP] When you play a sport, game, or match, you take part in it. 参加 (体育运动、游戏、比赛等)
例:While the twins played cards, Leona sat reading.那对双胞胎玩牌的时候,利昂娜坐着看书。
例:I used to play basketball.我过去常打篮球。
4、[N-UNCOUNT] Play is also a noun. (对运动、游戏、比赛等的) 参加
例:They've got more exciting players and a more exciting style of play.他们有更精彩的选手和更精彩的比赛风格。
5、[V-T/V-I] When one person or team plays another or plays against them, they compete against them in a sport or game. 与…比赛
例:Dallas will play Green Bay.达拉斯队将迎战绿湾队。
6、[N-UNCOUNT] Play is also a noun. 比赛
例:Fischer won after 5 hours and 41 minutes of play.费希尔在5小时41分钟的较量后获胜。
7、[V-T] If you play a joke or a trick on someone, you deceive them or give them a surprise in a way that you think is funny, but that often causes problems for them or annoys them. 开 (玩笑); 搞 (恶作剧)
例:Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps.有人对她搞恶作剧,在那些台阶的顶部拉了一根绳子。
8、[V-I] If you play with an object or with your hair, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers, perhaps because you are bored or nervous. 摆弄
例:She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.她盯着地板,随手摆弄着手提包的提带。
9、[N-COUNT] A play is a piece of writing performed in a theatre, on the radio, or on television. 戏剧
例:It's my favourite Shakespeare play.这是我最喜欢的莎士比亚剧。
10、[V-T] If an actor plays a role or character in a play or film, he or she performs the part of that character. (在戏剧或电影中) 扮演 (角色)
例:...Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in which he played Hyde.…他在其中扮演海德的《化身博士》。
11、[V-LINK] You can use play to describe how someone behaves, when they are deliberately behaving in a certain way or like a certain type of person. For example, to play the innocent, means to pretend to be innocent, and to play deaf means to pretend not to hear something. 假装
例:Hill tried to play the peacemaker.希尔试图假扮成和事佬。
例:She was just playing the devoted mother.她只是在装成一位负责的母亲。
12、[V-T] You can describe how someone deals with a situation by saying that they play it in a certain way. For example, if someone plays it cool, they keep calm and do not show much emotion, and if someone plays it straight, they behave in an honest and direct way. 对待
例:Investors are playing it cautious, and they're playing it smart.投资者们在谨慎应对,同时他们也在巧妙应对。
13、[V-T/V-I] If you play a musical instrument or play a tune on a musical instrument, or if a musical instrument plays, music is produced from it. 演奏 (乐器或乐曲); 奏响
例:Nina had been playing the piano.尼娜一直在弹钢琴。
例:He played for me.他为我弹奏。
14、[V-T/V-I] If you play a record, a CD, or a DVD, you put it into a machine and sound and sometimes pictures are produced. If a record, CD, or DVD is playing, sound and sometimes pictures are being produced from it. 播放
例:She played her records too loudly.她放唱片的声音太大。
例:There is classical music playing in the background.背景中正在播放古典音乐。
15、[V-T/V-I] If a musician or group of musicians plays or plays a concert, they perform music for people to listen or dance to. (在音乐会上) 演奏
例:A band was playing.一支乐队正在演奏。
16、[PHRASE] When something comes into play or is brought into play, it begins to be used or to have an effect. 开始起作用
例:The real existence of a military option will come into play.现有的军事手段将开始起作用。
17、[PHRASE] If something or someone plays a part or plays a role in a situation, they are involved in it and have an effect on it. 起作用
例:They played a part in the life of their community.他们在自己的社区生活中发挥了作用。
例:The U.N. would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国将在监督停火方面发挥主要作用。