时间: 2025-03-13 01:52:53
1. n. [皮肤] 痤疮,[皮肤] 粉刺
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思: "Acne" 是指一种常见的皮肤病,通常表现为皮肤上出现粉刺、丘疹和脓疱,特别是在面部、背部和肩部。
- 清晰的定义: Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to pimples, blackheads, and cysts.
- 词性: 名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源
- 词源分析: "Acne" 源自古希腊语 "akmē",意为“尖端”或“顶点”,暗示皮肤病的表现。
- 历史背景: 该词首次在医学文献中出现于19世纪,用于描述青春期常见的皮肤问题。
- 课本: "Acne" 常出现在中学和大学的生物学及医学教材中,如《牛津医学词典》和《美国皮肤病学杂志》。
3. 使用场景
- 正式: 在医学和皮肤科的讨论中,如:“Acne can lead to psychological issues such as low self-esteem.” (痤疮可能导致诸如自尊心低下等心理问题。)
- 非正式: 在日常对话中,如:“I have a breakout of acne on my forehead.” (我额头上长了痤疮。)
- 在医学研究中,如:“The study examines the link between diet and acne severity.” (该研究探讨饮食与痤疮严重程度之间的关系。)
- 在美容行业的讨论中,如:“Many products claim to treat acne effectively.” (许多产品声称能够有效治疗痤疮。)
4. 示例句子
She struggled with acne during her teenage years.
她在青少年时期与痤疮作斗争。 -
The doctor prescribed medication to help clear her acne.
医生开了药来帮助清除她的痤疮。 -
Acne can affect anyone, not just teenagers.
痤疮可以影响任何人,而不仅仅是青少年。 -
Proper skincare can help prevent acne breakouts.
适当的护肤可以帮助预防痤疮爆发。 -
Many factors contribute to the development of acne, including hormones and diet.
*. She felt embarrassed about her acne during the school presentation.
Acne scarring can be a long-lasting issue for many sufferers.
痤疮疤痕对许多患者来说可能是一个长期问题。 -
Over-the-counter treatments are available for mild acne.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Pimples: 特指皮肤表面的小肿块,通常与痤疮有关。
- Blemishes: 泛指皮肤上的缺陷,包括痤疮。
- Clear skin: 清晰无瑕的皮肤,表示没有痤疮或其他皮肤问题。
. 学方法
- 词根记忆法: 注意 "acne" 的词源与皮肤问题相关联,结合其历史背景,可以帮助记忆其含义。
- 音标记忆法: 通过学*发音(/ˈæk.ni/)来加深对该词的印象。
7. 关联词汇
- 常用词汇:
- Pore (毛孔)
- Sebum (皮脂)
- Treatment (治疗)
- Skincare (护肤)
- Bacteria (细菌)
1、[N-UNCOUNT] If someone has acne, they have a skin condition which causes a lot of pimples on their face and neck. 粉刺
例:She wore no makeup, and her face was dotted with acne.她没有化妆,脸上长满了粉刺。