光 - light
星星 - star
阳光 - sunshine
灯光 - lamp light
火焰 - flame
1. 天空中的星星闪亮。
The stars in the sky are shining.
2. 她的笑容闪亮如阳光。
Her smile is shining like the sunshine.
3. 这颗宝石闪亮夺目。
@This@ gem is shining and eye-catching.
4. 闪亮的灯光在夜空中闪烁。
The @shining@ lights @twinkle@ in the night sky.
5. 他穿着一件闪亮的外套。
He is wearing a shining coat.
6. 水面在阳光下闪亮。
The surface of @the@ water is @shining@ in @the@ sunlight.
7. 这首歌的旋律闪亮动人。
The melody of @this@ song is shining and moving.
8. 她的眼睛在黑暗中闪亮。
Her eyes @shine@ in the darkness.
9. 闪亮的金属表面反射光线。
The shining metallic surface reflects light.
10. 他的成就使他在人群中闪亮。
His achievements make him shine among the crowd.
1. 天空中的星星闪亮。
The stars in the sky are shining.
2. 她的笑容闪亮如阳光。
Her smile is shining like the sunshine.
3. 这颗宝石闪亮夺目。
@This@ gem is shining and eye-catching.
4. 闪亮的灯光在夜空中闪烁。
The @shining@ lights @twinkle@ in the night sky.
5. 他穿着一件闪亮的外套。
He is wearing a shining coat.
6. 水面在阳光下闪亮。
The surface of @the@ water is @shining@ in @the@ sunlight.
7. 这首歌的旋律闪亮动人。
The melody of @this@ song is shining and moving.
8. 她的眼睛在黑暗中闪亮。
Her eyes @shine@ in the darkness.
9. 闪亮的金属表面反射光线。
The shining metallic surface reflects light.
10. 他的成就使他在人群中闪亮。
His achievements make him shine among the crowd.