变态的英文 - 了解“变态”的英语表达
时间: 2025-02-05 21:26:39原文展示
心理学 - psychology
性别 - gender
行为 - behavior
社会 - society
文化 - culture
伦理 - ethics
偏见 - prejudice
规范 - norm
接受 - acceptance
偏好 - preference
1. 心理学家研究变态行为的原因。
Psychologists study the reasons for perverse behavior.
2. 社会对变态现象的接受度因文化而异。
Society's acceptance of perversion varies by culture.
3. 他在性别角色方面表现出一定的变态倾向。
He shows @certain@ perverse tendencies in gender roles.
4. 变态心理可能源于个人经历。
Perversion psychology may stem from personal experiences.
5. 许多电影探讨了变态与伦理的关系。
Many films explore the relationship between perversion and ethics.
6. 偏差行为在社会中常常受到谴责。
Deviant behavior is often condemned in society.
7. 我们需要更好地理解变态行为对个人的影响。
We need to better understand the impact of perverse behavior on individuals.
8. 文化因素在定义变态时起着重要作用。
Cultural factors play an important role in defining perversion.
9. 他对这类话题的偏好被认为是变态。
@His@ preference for such topics is considered perverse.
10. 社会对性的规范在不断变化。
Society's norms regarding sex are constantly changing.
1. 心理学家研究变态行为的原因。
Psychologists study the reasons for perverse behavior.
2. 社会对变态现象的接受度因文化而异。
Society's acceptance of perversion varies by culture.
3. 他在性别角色方面表现出一定的变态倾向。
He shows @certain@ perverse tendencies in gender roles.
4. 变态心理可能源于个人经历。
Perversion psychology may stem from personal experiences.
5. 许多电影探讨了变态与伦理的关系。
Many films explore the relationship between perversion and ethics.
6. 偏差行为在社会中常常受到谴责。
Deviant behavior is often condemned in society.
7. 我们需要更好地理解变态行为对个人的影响。
We need to better understand the impact of perverse behavior on individuals.
8. 文化因素在定义变态时起着重要作用。
Cultural factors play an important role in defining perversion.
9. 他对这类话题的偏好被认为是变态。
@His@ preference for such topics is considered perverse.
10. 社会对性的规范在不断变化。
Society's norms regarding sex are constantly changing.