
时间: 2025-01-30 13:02:00



英文注释New Zealand's natural scenery is very charming.


英文翻译New Zealand's natural scenery is very charming.




新西兰的自然风光非常迷人。 - New Zealand's natural scenery is very charming.

  1. 新西兰 - New Zealand

  2. 的 - 's

  3. 自然 - natural

  4. 风光 - scenery

  5. 非常 - very

  6. 迷人 - charming


美丽 - beautiful
风景 - landscape
自然保护区 - nature reserve
旅游 - tourism
探险 - adventure



景点 - attraction
户外活动 - outdoor activities
生态系统 - ecosystem
地理 - geography
文化 - culture
照片 - photo
旅行者 - traveler
风土人情 - local customs
生态旅游 - eco-tourism
探险家 - explorer


1. 新西兰有许多美丽的湖泊。
   New Zealand has many beautiful lakes.
2. 我喜欢在新西兰进行户外探险。
   I enjoy outdoor adventures in New Zealand.
3. 这个国家以其独特的自然风光而闻名。
   @This@ country is famous for its unique natural scenery.
4. 新西兰是一个适合生态旅游的地方。
   New Zealand is a great place for eco-tourism.
5. 每年都有成千上万的游客来这里。
   Hundreds @of@ thousands @of@ tourists come here every year.
6. 新西兰的文化丰富多彩。
   The culture of New @Zealand@ is rich and diverse.
7. 这里的生态系统非常独特。
   The ecosystem here is very unique.
8. 我拍了很多新西兰的风景照片。
   I took many photos of New Zealand's scenery.
9. 新西兰的探险活动吸引了很多人。
   The adventure activities in New Zealand attract many people.
10. 新西兰的风土人情让人印象深刻。
   The local customs of New Zealand leave a deep impression.


1. 新西兰有许多美丽的湖泊。
   New Zealand has many beautiful lakes.
2. 我喜欢在新西兰进行户外探险。
   I enjoy outdoor adventures in New Zealand.
3. 这个国家以其独特的自然风光而闻名。
   @This@ country is famous for its unique natural scenery.
4. 新西兰是一个适合生态旅游的地方。
   New Zealand is a great place for eco-tourism.
5. 每年都有成千上万的游客来这里。
   Hundreds @of@ thousands @of@ tourists come here every year.
6. 新西兰的文化丰富多彩。
   The culture of New @Zealand@ is rich and diverse.
7. 这里的生态系统非常独特。
   The ecosystem here is very unique.
8. 我拍了很多新西兰的风景照片。
   I took many photos of New Zealand's scenery.
9. 新西兰的探险活动吸引了很多人。
   The adventure activities in New Zealand attract many people.
10. 新西兰的风土人情让人印象深刻。
   The local customs of New Zealand leave a deep impression.