
时间: 2025-03-05 08:54:52





1. vt. 吸引;引起

2. vi. 吸引;有吸引力


CET4   TEM4    ( attracting, attracted, attracts )


1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思:Attract的字面意思是“吸引”,指的是使某物或某人产生兴趣或引起注意。
  • 词性:动词(verb)。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析:Attract来源于拉丁语“attrahere”,由“ad-”(意为“向”)和“trahere”(意为“拉”)组合而成,字面意思是“向某物拉近”。

  • 历史背景:该词的首次使用可以追溯到15世纪,早期的文献中常用于描述物理现象,如磁力吸引等。

  • 课本:在**的英语教材中,如《新概念英语》或《英语(新标准)》中,可能在初中或高中阶段出现。美国的教材,如《Oxford Discover》或《American English File》,也可能在小学至中学阶段使用此词。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在学术论文或商务会议中,常用“attract”来讨论市场趋势或消费者行为。例如:“The new marketing strategy aims to attract more customers.”
    • 非正式语境:在日常交流中,可能会说:“That movie really attracts me because of its storyline.”
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文件中,可能会使用“attract”来描述某种法律责任或后果,例如:“The violation of the law may attract penalties.”
    • 科学:在物理学中,常用“attract”描述力的作用,如:“Gravity attracts objects toward the Earth.”

4. 示例句子

  1. The bright colors of the flowers attract bees.

  2. The museum exhibition is designed to attract visitors of all ages.

  3. She has a magnetic personality that attracts many friends.

  4. Their innovative approach is likely to attract attention from investors.

  5. The company aims to attract talented individuals to join their team.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Draw:强调从远处拉近的动作,但常用于更亲密或直接的吸引。
    • Charm:更侧重于通过魅力和迷人特质吸引他人,语气更为温和。
  • 反义词

    • Repel:指使某物或某人远离,相比于“attract”,有明显的排斥含义。
    • Dissuade:表示劝阻,使他人不去做某事,强调阻止的作用。

. 学方法


  • 记住“attract”的词根“tract”,意味着“拉”,可以联想为“拉近某物,使之靠近”。同时,通过“ad-”前缀,理解为“向某物拉近”。这样可以帮助记忆词义,联想到吸引的过程。

7. 关联词汇

  • Attraction(吸引力)
  • Attractive(有吸引力的)
  • Attractiveness(吸引力)
  • Attractively(有吸引力地)
  • Magnet(磁铁,常用来比喻吸引力)


1、[V-T] If something attracts people or animals, it has features that cause them to come to it. 吸引

  1. 例:The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors.加的夫湾工程吸引着众多的参观者。

2、[V-T] If someone or something attracts you, they have particular qualities which cause you to like or admire them. If a particular quality attracts you to a person or thing, it is the reason why you like them. 引起…的兴趣

  1. 例:He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.他不能确定自己理解是否正确,尽管该理论的逻辑推理引起了他的兴趣。

3、[V-T] If you are attracted to someone, you are interested in them sexually. (性的) 吸引

  1. 例:In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.尽管心存敌意,她还是被他吸引住了。

4、[[v-link ADJ]] attracted 被吸引的

  1. 例:He was nice looking, but I wasn't deeply attracted to him.他长得挺好看,但我并没有被他深深吸引。

5、[V-T] If something attracts support, publicity, or money, it receives support, publicity, or money. 吸引 (支持或资金等)

  1. 例:President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies.姆维尼总统说他的国家也愿意吸引私企的投资。