昆虫的英文 - 英语学习与翻译指南

时间: 2025-01-28 11:31:50



英文注释:昆虫 (insect) 是 (is) 一类 (a category) 多样化的 (diverse) 生物 (organisms).


英文翻译:Insects are a diverse category of organisms.




昆虫是一类多样化的生物。 - Insects are a diverse category of organisms.

  1. 昆虫 - insects

  2. 是 - are

  3. 一类 - a category

  4. 多样化的 - diverse

  5. 生物 - organisms


生物学 - biology
生态系统 - ecosystem
分类 - classification
环境 - environment
进化 - evolution



昆虫学 - entomology
捕虫器 - insect trap
生态 - ecology
栖息地 - habitat
生命周期 - life cycle
多样性 - biodiversity
生态平衡 - ecological balance
食物链 - food chain
适应性 - adaptability
物种 - species


1. 昆虫在生态系统中扮演着重要角色。
   Insects play an important role in the ecosystem.
2. 许多昆虫是植物授粉的关键。
   Many insects are key to plant pollination.
3. 昆虫的多样性使得生态系统更加稳定。
   The diversity of insects makes ecosystems more stable.
4. 昆虫的生命周期包括卵、幼虫和成虫。
   The life cycle of insects includes eggs, larvae, and adults.
5. 昆虫有助于分解有机物。
   Insects help decompose organic matter.
6. 许多昆虫是食物链中的重要组成部分。
   @Many@ insects are an important part of the food chain.
7. 昆虫的适应性使它们能够在各种环境中生存。
   The adaptability of @insects@ allows them to survive in various environments.
8. 昆虫的栖息地通常包括森林、草原和湿地。
   Insect habitats usually include forests, @grasslands,@ and wetlands.
9. 昆虫学是研究昆虫的科学。
   Entomology is the science that studies insects.
10. 保护昆虫多样性对于生态平衡至关重要。
   Protecting insect diversity is crucial for ecological balance.


1. 昆虫在生态系统中扮演着重要角色。
   Insects play an important role in the ecosystem.
2. 许多昆虫是植物授粉的关键。
   Many insects are key to plant pollination.
3. 昆虫的多样性使得生态系统更加稳定。
   The diversity of insects makes ecosystems more stable.
4. 昆虫的生命周期包括卵、幼虫和成虫。
   The life cycle of insects includes eggs, larvae, and adults.
5. 昆虫有助于分解有机物。
   Insects help decompose organic matter.
6. 许多昆虫是食物链中的重要组成部分。
   @Many@ insects are an important part of the food chain.
7. 昆虫的适应性使它们能够在各种环境中生存。
   The adaptability of @insects@ allows them to survive in various environments.
8. 昆虫的栖息地通常包括森林、草原和湿地。
   Insect habitats usually include forests, @grasslands,@ and wetlands.
9. 昆虫学是研究昆虫的科学。
   Entomology is the science that studies insects.
10. 保护昆虫多样性对于生态平衡至关重要。
   Protecting insect diversity is crucial for ecological balance.