高山的英文 - 如何用英语表达高山

时间: 2025-01-28 12:11:01



英文注释:High mountain


英文翻译:High mountain


翻译思路:将‘高山’翻译成‘High mountain’时,采用了直译的方法,保持了原意的同时,符合英语的表达习惯。


高山 - High mountain

  1. 高 - high

  2. 山 - mountain


峰 - peak
丘 - hill
山脉 - mountain range
高地 - highland
山谷 - valley



探险 - exploration
登山 - mountaineering
自然 - nature
风景 - scenery
生态 - ecology
探险家 - explorer
徒步旅行 - hiking
野生动物 - wildlife
山脊 - ridge
地形 - terrain


1. 我喜欢在高山上徒步旅行。
   I like @hiking@ in the high mountains.
2. 高山的风景令人叹为观止。
   The scenery of the high mountains is breathtaking.
3. 探险家们常常在高山进行探险。
   Explorers often go on adventures in the high mountains.
4. 高山上有许多野生动物。
   There are many wildlife species in the high mountains.
5. 我梦想着征服一座高山。
   I dream of conquering a high mountain.
6. 高山的气候非常寒冷。
   The climate in the high mountains is very cold.
7. 在高山上看日出是一次难忘的体验。
   Watching the @sunrise@ from a high mountain is an unforgettable experience.
8. 高山的生态系统非常脆弱。
   The ecosystem in the high mountains is very fragile.
9. 很多人喜欢在高山滑雪。
   Many people enjoy @skiing@ in the high mountains.
10. 高山的植被多样化。
   The vegetation in the high mountains is diverse.


1. 我喜欢在高山上徒步旅行。
   I like @hiking@ in the high mountains.
2. 高山的风景令人叹为观止。
   The scenery of the high mountains is breathtaking.
3. 探险家们常常在高山进行探险。
   Explorers often go on adventures in the high mountains.
4. 高山上有许多野生动物。
   There are many wildlife species in the high mountains.
5. 我梦想着征服一座高山。
   I dream of conquering a high mountain.
6. 高山的气候非常寒冷。
   The climate in the high mountains is very cold.
7. 在高山上看日出是一次难忘的体验。
   Watching the @sunrise@ from a high mountain is an unforgettable experience.
8. 高山的生态系统非常脆弱。
   The ecosystem in the high mountains is very fragile.
9. 很多人喜欢在高山滑雪。
   Many people enjoy @skiing@ in the high mountains.
10. 高山的植被多样化。
   The vegetation in the high mountains is diverse.