时间: 2025-03-05 22:12:13
1. n. 山;山脉
2. n. (Mountain)人名;(英)芒廷
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:Mountain指的是地球表面高出周围地区的自然隆起部分,通常具有陡峭的坡度和相对较高的海拔。
- 定义:A large landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, characterized by steep slopes, a significant elevation difference, and a defined summit.
- 词性:名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源
- 词源分析:Mountain源自拉丁语“montanea”,意为“山”,再往上追溯到更早的原始印欧语根“*mont-”,意为“高的”或“隆起的”。
- 历史背景:该词在英语中的首次使用可追溯到12世纪,出现在古英语文献中,反映了人们对自然地理特征的观察和描述。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在地理、环境科学或旅游文献中使用,例如:“The mountain range plays a crucial role in the local ecosystem.”
- 非正式:在日常交流中,例如:“Let’s go hiking in the mountains this weekend.”
- 法律:在土地使用和环境保护法中,“The landowner has rights to the mountain resources, subject to environmental regulations.”
- 科学:在地质学中的使用,例如:“Mountains are formed through tectonic processes, including folding and faulting.”
4. 示例句子
The mountain is covered with snow year-round.
这座山全年覆盖着雪。 -
Climbing a mountain can be both challenging and rewarding.
攀登一座山既具有挑战性又令人满意。 -
The mountains in this region are known for their breathtaking views.
该地区的山以其令人叹为观止的景色而闻名。 -
Many legends are associated with this mountain.
与这座山相关的许多传说。 -
They plan to build a cabin on the side of the mountain.
*. The mountain range acts as a natural barrier between the two countries.
She stood at the mountain's peak, feeling on top of the world.
她站在山的峰顶,感到如同置身于世界之巅。 -
The mountain trail was steep and rocky.
山径陡峭而崎岖。 -
We could see the mountains from our campsite.
我们可以从营地看到山。 -
The mountain air is fresh and invigorating.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Hill(小山):通常指较小的隆起,海拔较低,坡度较缓。
- Peak(山峰):特指山的最高点,强调高度。
- Ridge(山脊):指山脉的延伸部分,通常较为平坦。
- Valley(山谷):指山脉之间的低洼地区,通常比山高出许多。
- Plain(平原):指较为平坦的土地,没有明显的高低起伏。
. 学方法
- 音标记忆法:通过发音记忆“mountain”的音标 /ˈmaʊn.tən/,可以联想“mount”和“tain”,即“高出”的意思。
- 词根记忆法:记住“mont-”的意思为“高的”,帮助理解与山相关的词汇。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想到“毛”(mó)和“天”(tiān),联想“山毛”和“上天”。
7. 关联词汇
- 高(high)
- 海拔(elevation)
- 岩石(rock)
- 徒步旅行(hiking)
- 自然(nature)
- 景观(landscape)
- 探险(adventure)
1、[N-COUNT] A mountain is a very high area of land with steep sides. 山
例:Mt. McKinley, in Alaska, is the highest mountain in North America.位于阿拉斯加的麦金利山是北美最高的山。
2、[[非正式]] If you talk about a mountain of something, or mountains of something, you are emphasizing that there is a large amount of it. 大堆
例:They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.他们面临着一大堆的官僚制度。
3、[[journalism]] If you say that someone has a mountain to climb, you mean that it will be difficult for them to achieve what they want to achieve. 困难
例:"We had a mountain to climb after the second goal went in," said Crosby.克罗斯比说:“第2个球进了后,我们面临着很大的困难。”