
时间: 2025-03-11 05:27:47





1. n. 火车;行列;长队;裙裾

2. v. 培养;训练;瞄准

3. n. (Train)人名;(英)特雷恩;(法)特兰;(意)特拉因


CET4   TEM4    ( trains )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思: "Train" 的字面含义是指一种用于运输乘客或货物的铁路车辆。作为动词,它的意思是培养或训练某人以提高某种技能或能力。
  • 词性
    • 名词:列车
    • 动词:训练、培养

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析: "Train" 源自拉丁语 "trahere",意思是“拉、拖”。通过古法语 "traine" 传入英语,最初指的是拖拉的物体,后来引申为“列车”及“训练”。

  • 历史背景: 该词的首次使用可以追溯到14世纪,最早的文献记载是指拖拉的物体,而后逐渐演变为现代意义。

  • 课本

    • 在**的中小学英语教材中,"train" 一般在初中阶段引入,涉及基础单词和日常对话。
    • 牛津英语教材和美国的教材通常在小学阶段就开始介绍该单词,强调其在交通和训练方面的应用。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,"train" 常用于描述员工培训、技能提升等,如商业会议或正式报告中。
    • 在非正式语境中,"train" 可以用在日常对话中,比如谈论乘坐火车的经历或个人的锻炼计划。
  • 特殊场合

    • 在法律领域,"train" 可能用于描述某种培训课程的要求,如“专业人员需接受定期培训(train)以保持执照。”
    • 在科学领域,"train" 可用于描述实验或研究中的训练过程,例如 “我们需要训练(train)机器学*模型以提高准确性。”

4. 示例句子:

  1. I need to train for the marathon next month.

  2. The train will arrive at 3 PM.

  3. The company decided to train its employees in new software.

  4. He trained hard to become a professional athlete.

  5. The train station was crowded with passengers.

*. She trains dogs for a living.

  1. The train of thought was interrupted by the loud noise.

  2. Many students train in various skills during summer vacation.

  3. They took the train to the conference.

  4. The athlete trains daily to improve performance.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Coach:通常指体育教练,侧重于指导和训练。
    • Teach:更广泛,指教授知识或技能。
  • 反义词

    • Neglect:忽视,表示不进行训练或教育。
    • Deteriorate:恶化,意味着技能或能力的减退。

. 学方法:

选择 音标记忆法

  • 通过学* "train" 的音标 /treɪn/,可以帮助记忆该单词的发音。可以尝试将其拆分为“tray”(托盘)和“n”,联想一个托盘上装着火车的图像。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Train station(火车站)
  • Train ticket(火车票)
  • Train schedule(火车时刻表)
  • Train of thought(思路)
  • Train crew(列车员)

通过以上分析,您可以更加全面地理解和运用 "train" 这个单词。


1、[[also 'by' N]] A train is a number of containers on wheels which are all connected together and which are pulled by an engine along a railway. Trains carry people and goods from one place to another. 火车

  1. 例:The train pulled into a station.那列火车驶入了一个车站。

  2. 例:We can catch the early morning train.我们能赶上清晨的那班火车。

2、[N-COUNT] A train of vehicles, people, or animals is a long line of them travelling slowly in the same direction. (行进中的) 队列

  1. 例:In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.在古时候,这常常由一队拉行李的骆驼来完成。

3、[N-COUNT] A train of thought or a train of events is a connected sequence, in which each thought or event seems to occur naturally or logically as a result of the previous one. (一) 连串 (想法或事件)

  1. 例:He lost his train of thought for a moment, then recovered it.他一时断了思路,接着又重新想起来了。

4、[V-T/V-I] If someone trains you to do something, they teach you the skills that you need in order to do it. If you train to do something, you learn the skills that you need in order to do it. 培训; 接受培训

  1. 例:He was training us to be soldiers.他正把我们训练成士兵。

5、[COMB in ADJ] -trained 受过培训的

  1. 例:Michael is a professionally-trained chef.迈克尔是受过职业培训的厨师。

6、[V-T] To train a natural quality or talent that someone has, for example, their voice or musical ability, means to help them to develop it. 开发 (天生的素质或才能)

  1. 例:I see my degree as something which will train my mind and improve my chances of getting a job.我把我的学历视为开发心智、增加就业机会的东西。

7、[V-T/V-I] If you train for a physical activity such as a race or if someone trains you for it, you prepare for it by doing particular physical exercises. (为体育比赛等) 训练

  1. 例:Strachan is training for the new season.斯特罗恩正在为新赛季进行训练。

8、[N-COUNT] trainer 教练员

  1. 例:She went to the gym with her personal trainer.她和她的私人教练一起去了健身房。

9、[V-T] If an animal or bird is trained to do particular things, it is taught to do them, for example, in order to be able to work for someone or to be a good pet. 训练 (动物或鸟类)

  1. 例:Sniffer dogs could be trained to track them down.可以训练嗅探犬来追捕他们。

10、[N-COUNT] trainer 驯兽师

  1. 例:The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.这匹马让它的新驯马师旗开得胜。