时间: 2025-03-12 21:29:34
1. n. 时期;季节;赛季
2. vt. 给…调味;使适应
3. vi. 变得成熟;变干燥
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Season指的是一年的特定时期,具有一定的气候特点或文化活动。
- 定义:在英语中,season可以指一年中的四个主要时段(春、夏、秋、冬),也可以用来表示某个特定的时期或阶段,特别是在农业、体育、电视节目等领域。
- 词性:名词。
2. 词源与起源:
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在学术论文中讨论气候变化时使用,例如:“The seasonal changes have significant impacts on biodiversity.”(季节变化对生物多样性产生重大影响。)
- 非正式:日常对话中提到季节活动,例如:“I love going to the beach in summer.”(我喜欢在夏天去海滩。)
- 法律:在某些法律文件中,season可能用于描述某个特定的时间段,例如“the hunting season”。
- 科学:在生态学中,可能会讨论物种在不同季节的行为变化。
4. 示例句子:
The autumn season is known for its beautiful foliage.
秋季以其美丽的树叶而闻名。 -
In many cultures, the harvest season is celebrated with festivals.
在许多文化中,丰收季节会通过节日来庆祝。 -
The football season starts in September and ends in December.
足球赛季从九月开始,到十二月结束。 -
We need to prepare for the rainy season to prevent flooding.
我们需要为雨季做好准备,以防洪水。 -
Each season brings its own unique beauty to the landscape.
*. The holiday season is a time for giving and sharing.
She loves the spring season for its blooming flowers.
她喜欢春季,因为有盛开的花朵。 -
The television series has been renewed for another season.
这部电视剧已续订另一个季节。 -
During the summer season, the days are longer and warmer.
在夏季,白天更长,天气更暖和。 -
Winter is the season of snow and cold temperatures.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Period(时期):强调时间的长度和特定性质,但不一定与气候相关。
- Time(时间):更为宽泛,可以指任何时间段。
- Off-season(淡季):指的是一个特定活动或行业的非繁忙时期,通常与season相对。
. 学方法:
- 词根“satio”表示“种植”,可以联想到季节与农业的关系。想象在不同季节里播种和收获的场景,帮助记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- Spring(春天)
- Summer(夏天)
- Autumn/Fall(秋天)
- Winter(冬天)
- Harvest(收获)
- Festivals(节日)
1、[N-COUNT] The seasons are the main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions. (一年中有某典型天气状况的) 季
例:Autumn is my favourite season.秋季是我最喜欢的季节。
例:...the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined.…巴西惟一四季分明的地区。
2、[N-COUNT] You can use season to refer to the period during each year when a particular activity or event takes place. For example, the planting season is the period when a particular plant or crop is planted. (一年中某活动或事件发生的) 季节
例:...birds arriving for the breeding season.…为繁殖季节而到来的鸟类。
3、[[n N, also 'in/out of' N]] You can use season to refer to the period when a particular fruit, vegetable, or other food is ready for eating and is widely available. (水果、蔬菜或其他食物的) 当季期
例:The plum season is about to begin.李子的当季期就要开始了。
4、[N-COUNT] You can use season to refer to a fixed period during each year when a particular sport is played or when a particular activity is allowed. (一年中某体育比赛或某活动被允许的) 季节
例:...the baseball season.…棒球赛季。
例:Deer hunting season is only a couple of weeks long.猎鹿季节只有几个星期长。
5、[N-COUNT] A season is a period in which a play or show, or a series of plays or shows, is performed in one place. (戏剧、演出的) 上演期
例:...a season of three new plays.…3出新戏剧的上演期。
6、[N-COUNT] A season of movies is several of them shown as a series because they are connected in some way. (影片的) 连续上映期
例:...a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared.…阿尔托出演的影片的一个短暂的连续上映期。
7、[[usu sing, usu supp N, also 'in/out of' N]] The holiday or vacation season is the time when most people take their holiday. (多数人休假的) 时期
例:...the peak holiday season.…休假高峰期。
8、[V-T] If you season food with salt, pepper, or spices, you add them to it in order to improve its flavour. 给 (食物) 调味
例:Season the meat with salt and pepper.用盐和胡椒粉给肉调味。
9、[PHRASE] If a female animal is in season, she is in a state where she is ready to have sex. (雌性动物) 在发情期
例:There are a few ideas around on how to treat fillies and mares in season.关于如何对待发情期的小母马和母马有几种观点。