时间: 2025-01-31 05:47:43原文展示
洗浴用品 - bath products
卫浴 - bathroom fixture
脱衣架 - clothes rack
浴帘 - shower curtain
香皂 - soap
洗发水 - shampoo
沐浴露 - body wash
马桶 - toilet
镜子 - mirror
牙刷 - toothbrush
1. 我在浴室里洗澡。
I am @taking@ a shower in the bathroom.
2. 浴室里有一个大浴缸。
There is a big bathtub in the bathroom.
3. 请把毛巾放在浴室。
Please put @the@ towel in @the@ bathroom.
4. 我需要在浴室里找洗发水。
I need to @find@ @the@ shampoo in @the@ bathroom.
5. 浴室的墙壁是蓝色的。
The walls of the bathroom are blue.
6. 他每晚都在浴室里洗脸。
He washes his face in the bathroom every night.
7. 我在浴室里看到了一面镜子。
I saw a mirror in the bathroom.
8. 浴室里有很多洗浴用品。
There are many bath products in the bathroom.
9. 我们需要买新的浴帘。
We need to buy a new shower curtain.
10. 请在卫生间里保持清洁。
Please keep the restroom clean.
1. 我在浴室里洗澡。
I am @taking@ a shower in the bathroom.
2. 浴室里有一个大浴缸。
There is a big bathtub in the bathroom.
3. 请把毛巾放在浴室。
Please put @the@ towel in @the@ bathroom.
4. 我需要在浴室里找洗发水。
I need to @find@ @the@ shampoo in @the@ bathroom.
5. 浴室的墙壁是蓝色的。
The walls of the bathroom are blue.
6. 他每晚都在浴室里洗脸。
He washes his face in the bathroom every night.
7. 我在浴室里看到了一面镜子。
I saw a mirror in the bathroom.
8. 浴室里有很多洗浴用品。
There are many bath products in the bathroom.
9. 我们需要买新的浴帘。
We need to buy a new shower curtain.
10. 请在卫生间里保持清洁。
Please keep the restroom clean.