数字 - Number
计数 - Counting
数学 - Mathematics
序列 - Sequence
量词 - Measure word
1. 我有六个苹果。
I have six apples.
2. 六是一个偶数。
Six is an even number.
3. 这个盒子里有六本书。
There are six books in this box.
4. 我们需要六个椅子。
We need six chairs.
5. 六月是夏天的开始。
June is the beginning of summer.
6. 她有六个兄弟姐妹。
She has six siblings.
7. 六点钟我们会出发。
We will leave at six o'clock.
8. 六个学生参加了比赛。
Six students participated in the competition.
9. 我每天吃六顿饭。
I eat six meals a day.
10. 他在六年内完成了学位。
He completed his degree in six years.
1. 我有六个苹果。
I have six apples.
2. 六是一个偶数。
Six is an even number.
3. 这个盒子里有六本书。
There are six books in this box.
4. 我们需要六个椅子。
We need six chairs.
5. 六月是夏天的开始。
June is the beginning of summer.
6. 她有六个兄弟姐妹。
She has six siblings.
7. 六点钟我们会出发。
We will leave at six o'clock.
8. 六个学生参加了比赛。
Six students participated in the competition.
9. 我每天吃六顿饭。
I eat six meals a day.
10. 他在六年内完成了学位。
He completed his degree in six years.