时间: 2025-01-31 01:17:33原文展示
现金 - cash
信用卡 - credit card
借记卡 - debit card
票据 - bill
购物 - shopping
钱包链 - wallet chain
零钱 - change
支付 - payment
购物车 - shopping cart
钱包设计 - wallet design
1. 我把钱放进我的钱包里。
I put the money in my wallet.
2. 你的钱包丢了吗?
Did you lose your wallet?
3. 这个钱包很漂亮。
@This@ wallet is beautiful.
4. 他从钱包里拿出了一张信用卡。
He took a credit card out of his wallet.
5. 请把零钱放进零钱包。
Please put @the@ change in @the@ coin purse.
6. 我需要买一个新的钱包。
I need to buy a new wallet.
7. 她的钱包里有很多卡片。
Her wallet has many cards.
8. 你能帮我找我的钱包吗?
Can you help me find my wallet?
9. 钱包链可以防止钱包被偷。
A wallet chain can prevent the wallet from being stolen.
10. 我喜欢这个钱包的设计。
I like the design of this wallet.
1. 我把钱放进我的钱包里。
I put the money in my wallet.
2. 你的钱包丢了吗?
Did you lose your wallet?
3. 这个钱包很漂亮。
@This@ wallet is beautiful.
4. 他从钱包里拿出了一张信用卡。
He took a credit card out of his wallet.
5. 请把零钱放进零钱包。
Please put @the@ change in @the@ coin purse.
6. 我需要买一个新的钱包。
I need to buy a new wallet.
7. 她的钱包里有很多卡片。
Her wallet has many cards.
8. 你能帮我找我的钱包吗?
Can you help me find my wallet?
9. 钱包链可以防止钱包被偷。
A wallet chain can prevent the wallet from being stolen.
10. 我喜欢这个钱包的设计。
I like the design of this wallet.