时间: 2025-01-30 13:13:12原文展示
英文注释:商品 (Product)
物品 - Item
工具 - Tool
场景 - Scenario
职业 - Occupation
对话 - Dialogue
市场 - Market
销售 - Sales
客户 - Customer
库存 - Inventory
交易 - Transaction
1. 这个商品的质量非常好。
The quality of @this@ product is very good.
2. 我们需要增加库存的商品种类。
We need to @increase@ the variety of products in stock.
3. 客户对这个商品的反馈很好。
Customers have given good feedback on this product.
4. 请查看商品的价格标签。
Please check @the@ price tag of @the@ product.
5. 这个商品在市场上很受欢迎。
@This@ product is very popular in the market.
6. 我们正在推出新商品。
We are launching new products.
7. 商品的包装设计吸引了很多顾客。
The packaging design of the product attracted many customers.
8. 销售人员向顾客介绍了这个商品。
The salesperson introduced this product to the customer.
9. 请确认这个商品是否在库存中。
Please confirm if @this@ product is in stock.
10. 我们需要讨论商品的市场策略。
We need to discuss @the@ marketing strategy for @the@ product.
1. 这个商品的质量非常好。
The quality of @this@ product is very good.
2. 我们需要增加库存的商品种类。
We need to @increase@ the variety of products in stock.
3. 客户对这个商品的反馈很好。
Customers have given good feedback on this product.
4. 请查看商品的价格标签。
Please check @the@ price tag of @the@ product.
5. 这个商品在市场上很受欢迎。
@This@ product is very popular in the market.
6. 我们正在推出新商品。
We are launching new products.
7. 商品的包装设计吸引了很多顾客。
The packaging design of the product attracted many customers.
8. 销售人员向顾客介绍了这个商品。
The salesperson introduced this product to the customer.
9. 请确认这个商品是否在库存中。
Please confirm if @this@ product is in stock.
10. 我们需要讨论商品的市场策略。
We need to discuss @the@ marketing strategy for @the@ product.