烟花的英文 - 如何用英语表达烟花
时间: 2025-01-31 01:22:06原文展示
节日庆典 - Festival Celebration
晚会 - Gala
观众 - Audience
表演 - Performance
照明 - Lighting
安全 - Safety
组织 - Organization
活动 - Event
娱乐 - Entertainment
视觉效果 - Visual Effects
1. 烟花在夜空中绽放。
The fireworks bloom in the night sky.
2. 我们将在节日上观看烟花表演。
We will watch @the@ fireworks display during @the@ festival.
3. 儿童们对烟花感到兴奋。
The children are excited about the fireworks.
4. 安全是观看烟花表演时的重要考虑。
Safety is an important consideration when watching fireworks.
5. 每年的新年庆祝都会有烟花。
Every year, @there@ are fireworks celebrations for the New Year.
6. 烟花的颜色非常绚丽。
The colors of the fireworks are very brilliant.
7. 烟花表演通常在晚上进行。
Fireworks displays are usually held in the evening.
8. 许多人聚集在公园里观看烟花。
Many people @ga@the@r@ in @the@ park to watch @the@ fireworks.
9. 烟花是庆祝活动的重要组成部分。
Fireworks are an important part of celebration activities.
10. 我喜欢拍摄烟花的照片。
I love taking photos of the fireworks.
1. 烟花在夜空中绽放。
The fireworks bloom in the night sky.
2. 我们将在节日上观看烟花表演。
We will watch @the@ fireworks display during @the@ festival.
3. 儿童们对烟花感到兴奋。
The children are excited about the fireworks.
4. 安全是观看烟花表演时的重要考虑。
Safety is an important consideration when watching fireworks.
5. 每年的新年庆祝都会有烟花。
Every year, @there@ are fireworks celebrations for the New Year.
6. 烟花的颜色非常绚丽。
The colors of the fireworks are very brilliant.
7. 烟花表演通常在晚上进行。
Fireworks displays are usually held in the evening.
8. 许多人聚集在公园里观看烟花。
Many people @ga@the@r@ in @the@ park to watch @the@ fireworks.
9. 烟花是庆祝活动的重要组成部分。
Fireworks are an important part of celebration activities.
10. 我喜欢拍摄烟花的照片。
I love taking photos of the fireworks.