委屈的英文 - 如何用英语表达委屈
时间: 2025-03-13 11:33:02
情感 - emotion
感受 - feeling
不公平 - unfairness
反应 - reaction
同情 - sympathy
理解 - understanding
表达 - expression
倾诉 - vent
沟通 - communication
支持 - support
1. 我觉得我被委屈了。
I feel wronged.
2. 她对这件事情感到很委屈。
She feels very wronged about this matter.
3. 他总是抱怨别人对他的委屈。
He always complains about the injustices done to him.
4. 我们应该理解她的感受,不要让她感到委屈。
We should @understand@ her @feelings@ and not make her feel wronged.
5. 我希望能有一个地方可以倾诉我的委屈。
I hope @to@ have a place @to@ express my grievances.
6. 面对不公时,我们不能沉默,应该勇敢发声。
In the face of injustice, we should not remain silent but speak out bravely.
7. 他感到生活中的种种委屈。
He feels various grievances in life.
8. 有时候,我们不得不忍受一些委屈。
Sometimes, we have to endure some grievances.
9. 她很想让朋友理解她的委屈。
She really wants her friends to understand her grievances.
10. 我们要学会表达自己的感受,避免委屈自己。
We need @@to@@ learn @@to@@ express our @feelings@ @@to@@ avoid feeling wronged.
1. 我觉得我被委屈了。
I feel wronged.
2. 她对这件事情感到很委屈。
She feels very wronged about this matter.
3. 他总是抱怨别人对他的委屈。
He always complains about the injustices done to him.
4. 我们应该理解她的感受,不要让她感到委屈。
We should @understand@ her @feelings@ and not make her feel wronged.
5. 我希望能有一个地方可以倾诉我的委屈。
I hope @to@ have a place @to@ express my grievances.
6. 面对不公时,我们不能沉默,应该勇敢发声。
In the face of injustice, we should not remain silent but speak out bravely.
7. 他感到生活中的种种委屈。
He feels various grievances in life.
8. 有时候,我们不得不忍受一些委屈。
Sometimes, we have to endure some grievances.
9. 她很想让朋友理解她的委屈。
She really wants her friends to understand her grievances.
10. 我们要学会表达自己的感受,避免委屈自己。
We need @@to@@ learn @@to@@ express our @feelings@ @@to@@ avoid feeling wronged.