好奇心的英文 - Curiousity的翻译与用法
时间: 2025-01-27 18:21:07原文展示
探索者 - explorer
研究 - research
问题 - question
观察 - observation
知识 - knowledge
创新 - innovation
好奇的 - curious
学习者 - learner
思考 - thinking
启发 - inspiration
1. 好奇心是人类与生俱来的特质。
Curiosity is an innate trait of humans.
2. 她的好奇心驱使她去探索未知的世界。
Her curiosity drives her to explore the unknown world.
3. 保持好奇心可以帮助你不断学习。
Maintaining curiosity can help you keep learning.
4. 孩子们的好奇心是他们学习的动力。
Children's curiosity is the motivation for their learning.
5. 科学家往往有强烈的好奇心。
Scientists @often@ have a strong sense of curiosity.
6. 好奇心促使人类不断进步。
Curiosity propels humans to keep progressing.
7. 他总是对新事物充满好奇心。
He is always full of curiosity about new things.
8. 好奇心让我们提问,寻找答案。
Curiosity makes us ask questions and seek answers.
9. 好奇心是学习的重要驱动力。
Curiosity is an important driving @force@ for learning.
10. 我对这本书产生了浓厚的好奇心。
I developed a strong curiosity about this book.
1. 好奇心是人类与生俱来的特质。
Curiosity is an innate trait of humans.
2. 她的好奇心驱使她去探索未知的世界。
Her curiosity drives her to explore the unknown world.
3. 保持好奇心可以帮助你不断学习。
Maintaining curiosity can help you keep learning.
4. 孩子们的好奇心是他们学习的动力。
Children's curiosity is the motivation for their learning.
5. 科学家往往有强烈的好奇心。
Scientists @often@ have a strong sense of curiosity.
6. 好奇心促使人类不断进步。
Curiosity propels humans to keep progressing.
7. 他总是对新事物充满好奇心。
He is always full of curiosity about new things.
8. 好奇心让我们提问,寻找答案。
Curiosity makes us ask questions and seek answers.
9. 好奇心是学习的重要驱动力。
Curiosity is an important driving @force@ for learning.
10. 我对这本书产生了浓厚的好奇心。
I developed a strong curiosity about this book.