保护 - protect
安全 - safety
警告 - warning
逃生 - escape
预防 - prevent
施工 - construction
职业 - occupation
检测 - test
报告 - report
措施 - measures
1. 在施工现场,安全是最重要的。
Safety is @the@ most important thing at @the@ construction site.
2. 我们应该时刻警惕危险。
We should always be alert to danger.
3. 这个地方存在很多风险。
There are many risks in this place.
4. 应急措施可以帮助减少危机。
Emergency measures can help reduce a crisis.
5. 逃生计划是应对危险的关键。
An escape plan is key to dealing with danger.
6. 他们发布了关于可能威胁的警告。
They issued a warning about possible threats.
7. 我们需要预防措施来避免伤害。
We need preventive measures to avoid harm.
8. 职业安全培训可以减少事故的发生。
Occupational safety training can reduce the occurrence of accidents.
9. 危机管理是企业生存的重要环节。
@Crisis@ @management@ is an important aspect of business survival.
10. 我们必须遵循安全措施以保护自己。
We must follow safety measures to protect ourselves.
1. 在施工现场,安全是最重要的。
Safety is @the@ most important thing at @the@ construction site.
2. 我们应该时刻警惕危险。
We should always be alert to danger.
3. 这个地方存在很多风险。
There are many risks in this place.
4. 应急措施可以帮助减少危机。
Emergency measures can help reduce a crisis.
5. 逃生计划是应对危险的关键。
An escape plan is key to dealing with danger.
6. 他们发布了关于可能威胁的警告。
They issued a warning about possible threats.
7. 我们需要预防措施来避免伤害。
We need preventive measures to avoid harm.
8. 职业安全培训可以减少事故的发生。
Occupational safety training can reduce the occurrence of accidents.
9. 危机管理是企业生存的重要环节。
@Crisis@ @management@ is an important aspect of business survival.
10. 我们必须遵循安全措施以保护自己。
We must follow safety measures to protect ourselves.