时间: 2025-03-11 03:26:35
1. adj. 白色的;白种的;纯洁的
2. n. 白色;洁白;白种人
- 字面意思:White refers to the color of milk or fresh snow, the color of pure snow, or the opposite of black. It is often associated with purity, innocence, and cleanliness.
- 词性:形容词(adjective),名词(noun)。
- 词源分析:The word "white" originates from the Old English word "hwita," which is related to the Proto-Germanic "hwitaz," meaning "bright" or "shining." The root can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European "kwit-" meaning "to shine" or "to be clear."
- 历史背景:The term has been used since at least the 9th century in various forms in Germanic languages. It appears in early English texts to describe colors and has been used symbolically in literature to represent purity and innocence.
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 在正式的语境中,“white”可以用来描述颜色、象征意义或在科学中的用途(如化学中的白色粉末)。
- 在非正式语境中,它常用于日常对话中,如描述食物(如“白米饭”)或其他对象(如“白色的车”)。
- 例证解释:In Shakespeare's "Othello," white is used symbolically to represent innocence.
- 特殊场合:在法律文书中,“white”可能用于描述种族(如“白人”),在艺术中则可能用于探讨色彩的象征意义(如“白色象征纯洁”)。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- The walls were painted white to make the room look larger.
(墙壁被涂成白色,使房间看起来更大。) - She wore a beautiful white dress to the wedding.
(她穿着一件美丽的白色婚纱参加婚礼。) - The snow covered the ground with a white blanket.
(雪给地面覆盖上了一层白色的毯子。) - In many cultures, white flowers symbolize purity and innocence.
(在许多文化中,白色花朵象征着纯洁和无辜。) - The white flag is a symbol of truce.
(白旗是停战的象征。) *. He has a white cat that loves to play.
(他有一只喜欢玩的白色猫。) - The artist used white paint to highlight the details in her painting.
- The walls were painted white to make the room look larger.
- 同义词:pale, light, fair, bright
- 微小差异:虽然这些词都与“白色”相关,但“pale”通常含有“暗淡”的意味,而“bright”则强调光亮。
- 反义词:black, dark
- 解释:这两个词与“white”相对,表示颜色的深暗程度。
- 同义词:pale, light, fair, bright
*. *学方法**:
- 音标记忆法:/waɪt/。可以通过拼读音节“w-h-i-t-e”来记忆这个单词。
- 词根记忆法:记住“hwita”与“光亮”的联系,帮助理解“white”象征的纯洁和光明。
- 谐音联想记忆:将“white”联想为“白的”,比如“我会吃白米饭”,帮助记忆。
- 关联词汇:
- 常与“white”一起使用的词汇包括:whiteboard(白板)、whitewash(粉刷)、white-collar(白领)、white lie(善意的谎言)、white elephant(无用的东西)、white wine(白葡萄酒)等。
1、[COLOR] Something that is white is the colour of snow or milk. 白色
例:He had nice square white teeth.他有整齐洁白的漂亮牙齿。
例:Issa's white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺目的灯光下闪闪发光。
2、[ADJ] A white person has a pale skin and belongs to a race of European origin. 白色人种的
例:Working with white people hasn't been a problem for me or for them.和白种人在一起工作对我或对他们来说一直都不是个问题。
3、[N-COUNT] Whites are white people. 白种人
例:It's a school that's brought blacks and whites and Hispanics together.这是一所让黑人、白种人和西班牙裔人走到了一起的学校。
4、[ADJ] White wine is pale yellow in colour. 白葡萄酒
例:Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom.格雷戈里又倒了一杯白葡萄酒,回卧室去了。
5、[[ADJ n]] White blood cells are the cells in your blood your body uses to fight infection. 白 (细胞)
例:...an AIDS drug that helps restore a patient's white blood cells.…帮助修复病人白细胞的一种治疗艾滋病的药。
6、[N-VAR] The white of an egg is the transparent liquid that surrounds the yellow part called the yolk. 蛋清
例:As soon as the whites of the eggs have set, remove the cover.蛋清一凝固,就把盖子揭开。
7、[N-COUNT] The white of someone's eye is the white part that surrounds the coloured part called the iris. 眼白 (指眼球中的白色部分)
例:Susanne stared at me, the whites of her eyes gleaming in the streetlight.苏珊娜盯着我看,她的眼白在街灯下发亮。