
时间: 2025-03-11 21:33:43





1. vt. 蒸,散发;用蒸汽处理

2. n. 蒸汽;精力

3. vi. 蒸,冒水汽

4. adj. 蒸汽的


CET4   TEM4    ( steaming, steamed, steams )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Steam字面上指的是水蒸气,即水在加热时转变为气态的状态。它通常是通过加热水产生的。
  • 定义:Steam是水的气态,通常在温度高于100摄氏度时产生。它可以用于发电、供暖和其他工业用途。
  • 词性:名词、动词。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Steam来自古英语“steam”,意为“蒸汽、气体”,源于原始日耳曼语“*staumaz”,表示“蒸气”或“气体”。

  • 历史背景:Steam在工业革命期间首次被广泛使用,因为其在蒸汽机中的应用极大地推动了机械化。查尔斯·斯图尔特·帕森斯(Charles Stewart Parsons)在1884年发明的蒸汽轮机是一个重要的里程碑。

  • 课本:该词在**的英语教材中可能出现在初中或高中阶段,尤其是在描述自然现象或科技发展时。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在科学类或工业革命相关的章节中出现,适合初中至高中生。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在科学论文、技术报告中,steam通常用来描述物理现象或工程应用。例如,“The steam produced during the reaction was measured.”(反应过程中产生的蒸汽被测量。)
    • 非正式:在日常交流中,可以用于描述烹饪或使用蒸汽清洁设备。例如,“I love cooking vegetables with steam.”(我喜欢用蒸汽烹饪蔬菜。)
  • 特殊场合:在科学领域,steam用于描述热力学过程。在法律领域,如“steam engine”一词可能出现在与知识产权相关的讨论中。

4. 示例句子:

  1. The kettle is boiling and steam is rising.

  2. In the steam room, you can relax and unwind.

  3. The steam from the hot springs is soothing.

  4. The engineers designed a new steam turbine for greater efficiency.

  5. She used steam to clean the carpet effectively.

*. The train runs on steam power.

  1. Steam condenses back into water when cooled.

  2. The chef prefers to steam vegetables to retain their nutrients.

  3. The process of steam distillation is used in perfume making.

  4. She felt the steam on her face as she opened the oven.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Vapor:通常指气体状态的物质,尤其是液体蒸发后的状态。两者的差异在于,steam特指水蒸气,而vapor更为广泛。
    • Fume:指气体或蒸汽,常带有刺激性或有害成分,通常用于描述化学反应后的气体。
  • 反义词

    • Liquid:液体,指不具有固定形状的物质状态,与steam的气体状态相对。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法:steam的音标为 /stiːm/,可以通过反复朗读和拼写来记忆其发音。
  • 词根记忆法:记住“steam”与“气”和“蒸发”的关联,帮助理解其含义。
  • 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“steam”与“蒸汽”发音相似,帮助记忆。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Boiler(锅炉)
  • Steam engine(蒸汽机)
  • Steam room(蒸汽房)
  • Steam power(蒸汽动力)
  • Steam cleaning(蒸汽清洁)



1、[N-UNCOUNT] Steam is the hot mist that forms when water boils. Steam vehicles and machines are operated using steam as a means of power. 蒸汽

  1. 例:In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.在发电厂里,热把水转换成高压水蒸汽。

2、[V-I] If something steams, it gives off steam. 冒蒸汽

  1. 例:...restaurants where coffee pots steamed on their burners.…饭店里咖啡壶在炉子上冒着热气。

3、[V-T/V-I] If you steam food or if it steams, you cook it in steam rather than in water. 蒸

  1. 例:Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender.把胡萝卜蒸到刚好变软。

  2. 例:Leave the vegetables to steam over the rice for the 20 minutes cooking time.把蔬菜放在米饭上蒸20分钟。

4、[PHRASE] If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it progresses quickly. 全速推进

  1. 例:The administration was determined to go full steam ahead with its reform programme.当局决心全速推进其改革方案。

5、[[非正式]] If you run out of steam, you stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm left. 筋疲力尽

  1. 例:I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.我决定要粉刷浴室天花板,但干了一半就筋疲力尽了。