时间: 2025-03-11 20:49:24
1. n. 杯子;奖杯;酒杯
2. vt. 使成杯状;为…拔火罐
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Cup 是一个名词,指的是一种容器,通常有一个手柄,用于盛水、茶、咖啡等饮料。它的定义是“一个有边缘的、通常由陶瓷、玻璃或塑料制成的容器,用于饮用液体”。
- 词性:名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:Cup 源自古英语单词 "cūppa",其词根可能与拉丁语 "cupa"(意为桶或容器)有关系。这个词的构造没有明显的前缀或后缀。
课本:在**的英语教材中,"cup" 通常出现在小学阶段的课本中,如《新概念英语》或者《牛津英语》。在美国的教材中,类似的内容通常出现在小学一年级的阅读书籍中。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式语境:在正式的场合,如商务会议中,可能会说:“Please fill your cup with water before we begin.”(请在我们开始之前给你的杯子加水。)
- 非正式语境:在日常交流中,常见的用法是:“Can I have a cup of coffee?”(我可以要一杯咖啡吗?)
- 法律:在法律文件中,cup 可能指代某种特定的容器,例如在酒类管理法规中提到的“酒杯”。
- 科学:在科学实验中,可能使用 cup 作为测量单位,例如“使用 250 ml 的样品放入烧杯中。”(Use a cup of 250 ml of the sample in the beaker.)
4. 示例句子:
I drank a cup of tea while reading my book.
我喝了一杯茶,边读我的书。 -
He gave her a beautiful cup as a gift.
他送给她一个漂亮的杯子作为礼物。 -
Please don’t spill your cup on the table.
请不要把你的杯子洒在桌子上。 -
The trophy was shaped like a giant cup.
奖杯的形状像一个巨大的杯子。 -
She filled her cup to the brim with water.
*. The cup of coffee was too hot to drink.
He raised his cup in a toast to friendship.
他举起杯子祝酒,庆祝友谊。 -
After dinner, we washed all the cups and plates.
晚饭后,我们洗了所有的杯子和盘子。 -
The cup was made of fine porcelain.
这个杯子是用精美的瓷器制成的。 -
I prefer a large cup for my morning coffee.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Mug:通常指一种较大的杯子,带有把手,常用于喝热饮,但比杯子更大。
- Glass:虽然指的是用来盛饮料的容器,但通常不带把手,通常用于冷饮。
- Bottle:指的是一种封闭的容器,通常用于盛液体,具有广口或窄口,通常没有杯子那样的把手。
- Bowl:指的是一种深的容器,通常用于盛食物或液体,但不适合直接饮用液体。
. 学方法:
- 谐音联想记忆:可以通过“杯子(Cup)”与“卡普(Cup)”发音相近来记忆这个词。想象自己在喝茶时,手里拿着一个“卡普”状的杯子,形成视觉和听觉的联想。
7. 关联词汇:
- Tea(茶)
- Coffee(咖啡)
- Drink(饮料)
- Mug(大杯)
- Saucer(茶托)
- Fill(填满)
- Pour(倒)
1、[N-COUNT] A cup is a small round container that you drink from. Cups usually have handles and are made from china or plastic. (有把手的陶瓷或塑料) 杯子
例:...cups and saucers.…茶杯和茶碟。
2、[N-COUNT] You can use cup to refer to the cup and its contents, or to the contents only. 一杯···
例:...a cup of coffee.…一杯咖啡。
3、[N-COUNT] A cup is a unit of measurement used in cooking. It is equal to 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces. 量杯 (等于16大汤匙或8液盎司)
例:Gradually add 1 cup of milk, stirring until the liquid is absorbed.逐渐加入一量杯牛奶,一边搅动直到液体被吸收。
例:...half a cup of sugar.…半量杯糖。
4、[N-COUNT] Things, or parts of things, that are small, round, and hollow in shape can be referred to as cups. 杯状物
例:...the brass cups of the small chandelier.…小枝形吊灯上的黄铜杯状灯罩。
5、[N-COUNT] A cup is a large metal cup with two handles that is given to the winner of a game or competition. 奖杯
例:The Stars won the Stanley Cup in 1999.明星队赢得了1999年的斯坦利杯。
6、[N-IN-NAMES] Cup is used in the names of some sports competitions in which the prize is a cup. …杯赛
例:Sri Lanka's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup.斯里兰卡板球队将在亚洲杯决赛中与印度队交锋。
7、[V-T] If you cup your hands, you make them into a curved shape like a cup. 把 (手等) 窝成杯状
例:He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane.他两手窝成杯状围在嘴边,大声地呼唤黛安。
例:David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face.大卫跪下去,双手成杯状,捧起河水泼到他的脸上。
8、[V-T] If you cup something in your hands, you make your hands into a curved dish-like shape and support it or hold it gently. 窝起手掌托住
例:He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand.他窝起手掌托住她的下巴。