
时间: 2025-03-12 04:48:27





1. n. 羞耻,羞愧;憾事,带来耻辱的人

2. vt. 使丢脸,使羞愧

3. n. (Shame)人名;(科特)沙梅


CET4   TEM4    ( shaming, shamed, shames )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思:Shame 指的是一种强烈的负面情感,通常与自我意识和社会评价相关,表现为因自己或他人的行为而感到羞愧或不安。
    • 词性:名词(noun)和动词(verb)。
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析:Shame 源于古英语“sceamu”,意为“羞愧”或“耻辱”。它与德语的“Scham”和拉丁语的“caenum”(污秽)有关联。

    • 历史背景:该词在英语中有很长的使用历史,可以追溯到公元前8世纪。文学作品中常见到对羞愧的描写,例如莎士比亚的戏剧中。

    • 课本:在**的英语教材中,通常在初高中阶段会出现。美国的教材如《Oxford English Dictionary》也会在中学阶段介绍该词。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境:

      • 正式:在心理学、伦理学或社会学的讨论中,shame 常用于描述个人的情感状态。在一些学术文章中,例如心理学研究,可能会提到“shame can lead to social withdrawal”。
      • 非正式:在日常对话中,“I felt such shame after lying to my friend”。
    • 特殊场合:

      • 法律:在法律文献中,可能会讨论“shame as a societal deterrent”。
      • 艺术:在文学作品中,作者可能会通过角色的羞愧感来推动情节发展,如海明威的小说中常涉及角色的内心斗争与羞愧。
  4. 示例句子

    1. He felt a deep sense of shame after realizing he had betrayed his friend.
      • 他意识到自己背叛了朋友后,感到深深的羞愧。
    2. The shame of failing the exam lingered with her for days.
      • 考试失败的羞愧感在她心中挥之不去。
    3. In some cultures, public shame can be a powerful form of social control.
      • 在某些文化中,公共羞愧是一种强有力的社会控制手段。
    4. He tried to hide his shame by avoiding eye contact.
      • 他试图通过避免眼神接触来掩饰自己的羞愧。
    5. The artist explored themes of shame and redemption in her latest work.
      • 这位艺术家在她最新的作品中探讨了羞愧和救赎的主题。
  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词:
      • Guilt(内疚):指因做错事而感到的负面情绪,通常与道德责任相关。
      • Embarrassment(尴尬):指由于某种情况而感到的不适或羞愧,通常较轻。
    • 反义词:
      • Pride(骄傲):自豪感,与羞愧相对,表示对自己或他人行为的肯定。
      • Confidence(自信):对自己能力的信任,与羞愧的自我怀疑相反。

*. 记忆方法

  • 谐音联想记忆:可以联想到“羞耻”与“shame”发音相近,帮助记忆。同时,可以想象一个人因做错事而脸红,进一步加深对该词的理解。
  1. 关联词汇
    • Feel shame(感到羞愧)
    • Cause shame(造成羞愧)
    • Public shame(公共羞愧)
    • Shame culture(羞耻文化)
    • Overcome shame(克服羞愧)



1、[N-UNCOUNT] Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has. 羞耻; 羞愧

  1. 例:She felt a deep sense of shame.她深感羞耻。

  2. 例:Her father and her brothers would die of shame.她的父亲和兄弟们会羞愧死的。

2、[N-UNCOUNT] If someone brings shame on you, they make other people lose their respect for you. 耻辱

  1. 例:I don't want to bring shame on the family name.我不想给家庭的声誉带来耻辱。

3、[V-T] If something shames you, it causes you to feel shame. 使羞愧

  1. 例:Her son's affair had humiliated and shamed her.她儿子的事丢了她的脸、令她羞愧。

4、[V-T] If you shame someone into doing something, you force them to do it by making them feel ashamed not to. 使…感到羞愧 (而做某事)

  1. 例:He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.他不会因为邻居的羞辱而默不作声。

5、[[情感]] If you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently. 令人遗憾的事

  1. 例:It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.警察不得不容忍这些无谓的攻击,真是件太令人遗憾的事。

6、[[情感]] You can use shame in expressions such as shame on you and shame on him to indicate that someone ought to feel shame for something they have said or done. 耻辱

  1. 例:He tried to deny it. Shame on him!他想否认此事。真丢人!

7、[PHRASE] If someone puts you to shame, they make you feel ashamed because they do something much better than you do. 使自愧不如

  1. 例:His playing really put me to shame.他的表现真让我自愧不如。