时间: 2025-03-12 13:25:32
1. n. 群;串;突出物
2. vi. 隆起;打褶;形成一串
3. vt. 使成一串;使打褶
4. n. (Bunch)人名;(英)邦奇
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Bunch 通常指一束、一串或一组东西,尤其是指多件物体聚集在一起的状态。
- 词性:名词、动词。
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:Bunch 源于古英语 "bunch" 或 "bunche",可能与“束”的意象相关,表示多个事物的聚集。没有前缀和后缀,属于单根词。
课本:在**的英语教材中,"bunch" 可能出现在初中或高中的课本中,尤其是在日常对话和生活场景中。在牛津和美国的教材中,也常用于描述数量或集合的场合,适合初中及以上的学生。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在正式场合中,"bunch" 通常用于描述数量,比如:“A bunch of documents were submitted for review.”(一组文件已提交审查。)
- 非正式:在日常交流中,常用来形容聚在一起的事物,如:“I bought a bunch of bananas.”(我买了一串香蕉。)
特殊场合:在科学或法律文献中,"bunch" 可能用于描述某种集合体,如在生物学中描述一群植物或生物的聚集。
4. 示例句子:
I picked a bunch of flowers for my grandmother.
我为奶奶摘了一束花。 -
He had a whole bunch of excuses for being late.
他有一大堆迟到的借口。 -
The kids gathered a bunch of leaves in the park.
孩子们在公园里收集了一堆树叶。 -
A bunch of grapes is on sale at the market.
市场上有一串葡萄在出售。 -
She has a bunch of ideas for the project.
*. There’s a bunch of people waiting outside.
The teacher handed out a bunch of assignments.
老师发放了一堆作业。 -
We need to buy a bunch of supplies for the event.
我们需要为这个活动买一堆用品。 -
He found a bunch of old coins in the attic.
他在阁楼里发现了一堆旧硬币。 -
She received a bunch of compliments on her dress.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Cluster:通常指更紧密的聚集,强调物体之间的联系。
- Group:更广泛的词汇,可以指任何集合的事物。
- Individual:指单个的事物,与 "bunch" 的聚集状态相对立。
- Single:强调单一,孤立的状态。
. 学方法教学:
- 可以通过重复发音,帮助记忆其发音和拼写。
谐音联想记忆:将 "bunch" 联想为“邦戈”,想象一群人聚在一起打鼓,形成一个“bunch”。
7. 关联词汇:
- bunch of flowers(花束)
- bunch of grapes(葡萄串)
- bunch of keys(钥匙串)
- bunch of bananas(香蕉串)
- bunch of people(人群)
通过以上分析,"bunch" 这个词在不同的场合和语境中都有丰富的应用,可以通过不同的学*方法帮助记忆与理解。
1、[[非正式]] A bunch of people is a group of people who share one or more characteristics or who are doing something together. 伙
例:My neighbours are a bunch of busybodies.我的邻居们都是一伙爱管闲事的人。
例:We were a pretty inexperienced bunch of people really.我们实际上是一群相当没有经验的人。
2、[N-COUNT] A bunch of flowers is a number of flowers with their stalks held or tied together. 束
例:He had left a huge bunch of flowers in her hotel room.他在她的宾馆房间里留了一大束花。
3、[N-COUNT] A bunch of bananas or grapes is a group of them growing on the same stem. 串
例:Lili had fallen asleep clutching a fat bunch of grapes.莉莉手里抓着一大串葡萄睡着了。
4、[N-COUNT] A bunch of keys is a set of keys kept together on a metal ring. 串
例:George took out a bunch of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.乔治掏出一串钥匙,去设法开这把复杂的锁。