时间: 2025-03-06 16:53:30
1. n. 爱好,嗜好
2. adj. 弯曲的;决心的
3. n. (Bent)人名;(英、西、丹、挪、印)本特
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:
"Bent" 的字面意思是指某物被弯曲或扭曲的状态。它可以用来形容物体的形状,也可以用来描述人类的意图或倾向。 - 词性:
"Bent" 可以作为形容词、名词和动词的过去分词使用。
2. 词源与起源:
"Bent" 源自古英语 "bent"(意为“弯曲”),与古诺尔斯语 "bent"(指草或灌木丛)相关。其词根可能与拉丁语 "bentus"(弯曲)有关。 -
"Bent" 的首次使用可以追溯到中世纪,常出现于描述物体状态或特征的文学作品中。 -
在**的中学英语教材中,"bent" 可能出现在高中阶段,尤其是在讲解形容词和状态描述的单元。
在牛津和美国教材中,"bent" 可能会在词汇书或文学阅读中出现,适合初中到高中的学生。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式语境:在学术论文或法律文件中,"bent" 可以描述物体的物理状态或指意图。例如:“The law has been bent to serve certain interests.”(法律被扭曲以服务于某些利益。)
- 非正式语境:在日常交流中,"bent" 可能用来形容个人的倾向或偏好,例如:“He is bent on becoming a musician.”(他决心成为一名音乐家。)
在法律领域,"bent" 通常用来形容腐败或不正当行为,例如:“The officer was found to be bent.”(该官员被发现是腐败的。)
4. 示例句子:
The metal rod is bent at an awkward angle.
(这根金属杆以一个尴尬的角度弯曲。) -
She is bent on finishing her degree despite the challenges.
(尽管面临挑战,她决心完成学位。) -
The tree was bent by the strong winds during the storm.
(这棵树在暴风雨中被强风吹弯了。) -
His intentions were not bent on harming anyone.
(他的意图并不是为了伤害任何人。) -
The contract was bent to favor the company, which raised legal concerns.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Curved:指物体的形状有弯曲。
- Twisted:通常指物体被扭曲的状态,带有负面含义。
- Straight:指物体没有弯曲,完全平直。
- Upright:常用于描述直立状态,通常与“弯曲”相对。
. 学方法教学:
- 音标:[bɛnt]
7. 关联词汇:
- bent on(决心做某事)
- bent metal(弯曲的金属)
- bent over(弯腰)
- bent tree(弯曲的树木)
- bent rule(弯曲的规则)
1、[ADJ] If an object is bent, it is damaged and no longer has its correct shape. 弄弯的
例:The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.那些树全都被风吹得东倒西歪的。
2、[[书面]] If a person is bent, their body has become curved because of old age or disease. 驼背的
例:...a bent, frail, old man....一个驼背体弱的老人。
3、[[表不满]] If someone is bent on doing something, especially something harmful, they are determined to do it. 执意的
例:He's bent on suicide.他一心想自杀。
4、[N-SING] If you have a bent for something, you have a natural ability to do it or a natural interest in it. 天赋; 天生的喜好
例:His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.他在自然历史上的天赋帮他找到了他的第一份工作。
5、[N-SING] If someone is of a particular bent, they hold a particular set of beliefs. 倾向
例:...economists of a socialist bent....有社会主义思想倾向的经济学家。