时间: 2025-03-12 09:37:07
1. vi. 站立;位于;停滞
2. vt. 使站立;忍受;抵抗
3. n. 站立;立场;看台;停止
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:
“Stand”意为“站立”,指的是身体直立不动的姿势。 - 词性:
2. 词源与起源
“Stand”源自古英语“standan”,其词根为“stan-”,意为“站立”。该词与德语“stehen”和荷兰语“staan”有相似来源,均表达“站立”的意思。 -
“Stand”最早可以追溯到公元前8世纪的英语诗歌中,常用于描述人类的站立姿态和位置。 -
3. 使用场景
在正式场合中,“stand”可用于描述位置或态度,如“to stand for a principle”(坚持原则)。在非正式语境中,可以用于日常对话,如“Please stand up!”(请站起来)。 -
在法律领域,“to stand trial”(接受审判)表示一个人被控以犯罪而出庭。在科学中,“stand”可以用于描述某种设备或工具的支撑结构,例如“microscope stand”(显微镜支架)。
4. 示例句子
I can’t stand the heat.
出自:日常对话。 -
She stood up to speak at the meeting.
出自:商务交流。 -
He stands for justice and equality.
出自:政治演讲。 -
The statue stands in the center of the park.
出自:文学作品。 -
They will stand trial next week.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Rise:通常指从坐着或躺着的状态变为站立状态。
- Upright:形容物体或人的直立状态,通常强调稳定性。
- Sit:指坐下,与站立相对。
- Lie down:卧躺,与站立形成鲜明对比。
. 学方法
“Stand”的音标为 /stænd/。可以通过发音练*,加深对词形的记忆。 -
7. 关联词汇
- Stand up:站起来
- Stand out:突出
- Stand by:支持或等待
- Stand still:静止不动
- Stand firm:坚定不移
1、[V-I] When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet. 站立
例:She was standing beside my bed staring down at me.她当时站在我床边低头凝视着我。
例:They told me to stand still and not to turn round.他们叫我站着不动并且不要转身。
2、[PHRASAL VERB] Stand up means the same as . 站立
例:We waited, standing up, for an hour.我们站着等了一个小时。
3、[V-I] When someone who is sitting stands, they change their position so that they are upright and on their feet. 站起来
例:Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.贝克尔站起来和本握了手。
4、[PHRASAL VERB] Stand up means the same as . 站起来
例:When I walked in, they all stood up and started clapping.我走进去的时候,他们全体起立开始鼓掌。
5、[V-I] If you stand aside or stand back, you move a short distance sideways or backward, so that you are standing in a different place. 往旁边站; 往后站
例:I stood aside to let her pass me.我往边上站以让她从我身边过去。
6、[[书面]] If something such as a building or a piece of furniture stands somewhere, it is in that position, and is upright. (建筑物、家具等) 竖立着
例:The house stands alone on top of a small hill.那所房子孤零零地立在一座小山顶上。
7、[V-I] You can say that a building is standing when it remains after other buildings around it have fallen down or been destroyed. (在周围建筑物都已倒下或被摧毁的情况下依然) 矗立着
例:The palace, which was damaged by bombs in World War II, still stood.这座在二战中被炮火破坏的宫殿依然矗立着。
8、[V-T] If you stand something somewhere, you put it there in an upright position. 使竖立
例:Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.把这株植物立在户外阳光充足、有遮护的地方。
9、[V-I] If you leave food or a mixture of something to stand, you leave it without disturbing it for some time. 搁置一段时间
例:The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.该色拉如果提前做好并搁上些时候味道会更好。
10、[V-I] If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is. 持 (何种) 态度; 采取 (何种) 立场
例:The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment.该修正案将迫使参议员们表明他们在性骚扰问题上采取什么立场。
11、[V-I] If you do not know where you stand with someone, you do not know exactly what their attitude to you is. (在某人心中) 处于 (何种) 位置; 被 (如何) 看待
例:No one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable.谁也不知道他们在他心中被如何看待,他这个人绝对难以琢磨。
12、[V-LINK] You can use stand instead of "be" when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone. 处于 (某种状态或状况)
例:The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.该联盟已准备好采取必要行动。
13、[V-I] If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled. (决定、法律或提议) 继续有效
例:Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands.尽管有可能有特例,但这条规则继续有效。
14、[V-I] If something that can be measured stands at a particular level, it is at that level. 处于 (某水平)
例:The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 percent.通货膨胀率现在是3.6%。
15、[V-T] If something can stand a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate. 经受住
例:These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass.这些是第一批能经得住连续碾碎玻璃造成的磨损的机器。
16、[V-T] If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it. 忍受; 容忍 (某事物)
例:I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away.我再也忍受不了了,我打算逃跑。
例:Stoddart can stand any amount of personal criticism.斯托达特能容忍针对其个人的无论多少的批评。
17、[[非正式]] If you cannot stand someone or something, you dislike them very strongly. 忍受 (某人或某事物)
例:I can't stand that man and his arrogance.我受不了那人和他的傲慢态度。
18、[V-T] If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it. 有可能 (获得、失去)
例:The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold.如果公司被出售的话,管理层有可能获得数百万美元。
19、[PHRASE] If you say it stands to reason that something is true or likely to happen, you mean that it is obvious. 显然
例:It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.显然,如果你通情达理、对人友善,你会得到比你付出的多得多的回报。
20、[PHRASE] If you stand in the way of something or stand in a person's way, you prevent that thing from happening or prevent that person from doing something. 阻止某事物/某人
例:The administration would not stand in the way of such a proposal.该行政部门不会阻止这样一个提议。
21、[N-COUNT] If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is. 立场
例:He felt the need to make a stand against racism in South Africa.他觉得有必要表明反对南非种族主义的立场。
22、[N-COUNT] A stand is a small shop or stall, outdoors or in a large public building. 摊位
例:He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office.他曾在美国运通办公楼外经营一个报摊。
23、[N-PLURAL] The stands at a sports stadium or arena are a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening. (运动场或竞技场的) 看台
例:The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.烛台公园看台上的人们正站着尽情欢呼。
24、[N-COUNT] In British English, stand is used with the same meaning. 看台
例:I was sitting in the stand for the first game.我当时正坐在看台上观看首场比赛。
25、[N-COUNT] A stand is an object or piece of furniture that is designed for supporting or holding a particular kind of thing. 托架
例:The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.那把茶壶配有一个接滴水的壶托。
26、[N-SING] In a law court, the stand is the place where a witness sits to answer questions. (法庭上的) 证人席
例:When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony.今天那位父亲出席作证时,他驳斥了他儿子的证词。