
时间: 2025-03-07 11:11:44





1. vt. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换…的班;解围;使放心


CET4   TEM4    ( relieving, relieved, relieves )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思:Relieve 的字面含义是“缓解”或“解除”,指的是减轻痛苦、压力或负担。
    • 词性:动词(verb)。
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析:Relieve 源自拉丁语“relevare”,由“re-”(表示“重新”或“再”)和“levare”(表示“抬起”或“减轻”)组成。

    • 历史背景:该词在英语中首次记录的时间为14世纪,常用于描述减轻疼痛或压力的行为。

    • 课本:在*的英语教材中,relieve 可能出现在初中或高中阶段的词汇表中。美国的教材,如《Oxford English Dictionary》或《Word Power Made Easy》,也会在高中阶段的词汇学中提及。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境

      • 正式:在医学、心理学或商业文献中使用。例如:“The medication aims to relieve symptoms of anxiety.”(该药物旨在缓解焦虑症状。)
      • 非正式:在日常对话中使用。例如:“I need to relieve some stress after work.”(我需要在工作后缓解一些压力。)
    • 特殊场合:在法律领域,relieve 可能表示解除某种责任或义务。例如:“The court may relieve the defendant of certain charges.”(法庭可能会解除被告某些指控。)

  4. 示例句子

    1. The doctor prescribed medication to relieve the patient’s pain.
    2. She took a few deep breaths to relieve her anxiety before the presentation.
    3. The charity aims to relieve poverty in underdeveloped regions.
    4. A warm bath can help relieve muscle tension.
    5. The government introduced measures to relieve the economic burden on families.
  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词

      • Alleviate:强调减轻痛苦或负担。
      • Mitigate:常用于法律和正式场合,指减轻罪行或影响。
      • Soothe:更侧重于通过安慰或平静来缓解情绪或痛苦。
    • 反义词

      • Aggravate:指加重或恶化(如病情或问题)。
      • Burden:指加重负担或压力。

*. *方法**:

  • 音标记忆法:可以通过发音记忆“relieve”的音标 /rɪˈliːv/,注意“re”和“lie”的发音。
  • 词根记忆法:记住“re-”和“levare”,理解其意思可以帮助记忆。
  1. 关联词汇
    • Pain (疼痛)
    • Stress (压力)
    • Anxiety (焦虑)
    • Burden (负担)
    • Suffering (痛苦)



1、[V-T] If something relieves an unpleasant feeling or situation, it makes it less unpleasant or causes it to disappear completely. 缓解; 减轻; 解除

  1. 例:Drugs can relieve much of the pain.药物可以大大缓解疼痛。

2、[V-T] If someone or something relieves you of an unpleasant feeling or difficult task, they take it from you. 使解脱; 使摆脱

  1. 例:A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices.一名兼职簿记员将使你摆脱追讨欠款的负担。

3、[V-T] If you relieve someone, you take their place and continue to do the job or duty that they have been doing. 接 (某人) 的班; 接替

  1. 例:At seven o'clock the night nurse came in to relieve her.7点钟时值夜班的护士进来接了她的班。

4、[[usu passive]] If someone is relieved of their duties or is relieved of their post, they are told that they are no longer required to continue in their job. 使解除 (职务); 使免除 (职位)

  1. 例:The officer involved was relieved of his duties because he had violated strict guidelines.该名军官因违反了严格的准则而被解除了职务。