时间: 2025-03-11 09:28:14
1. adj. 舒适的,舒服的
2. n. 盖被
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:指一种状态或环境,使人感到轻松、愉快和无压力。
- 清晰的定义:形容词,表示舒适的、适宜的,使人感到愉快或满足的。
- 词性:形容词
2. 词源与起源
3. 使用场景
- 正式语境:在商务会议中可以用来形容会议室的环境,例如:“The conference room is quite comfortable for discussions.”(会议室非常适合讨论。)
- 非正式语境:在日常交流中,比如朋友间的对话:“This sofa is really comfortable!”(这个沙发真舒服!)
- 法律:在法律文件中,可能会用到“comfortable”来描述某种条件或环境,例如“a comfortable living arrangement”。
- 科学:在心理学研究中,可能会提到“comfortable”作为被试者的情绪状态描述。
4. 示例句子
This chair is really comfortable for reading.
这把椅子非常适合阅读。 -
She felt comfortable in her new apartment.
她在新公寓里感到很舒适。 -
The hotel room was spacious and comfortable.
酒店房间宽敞而舒适。 -
It's important to create a comfortable working environment.
创造一个舒适的工作环境很重要。 -
He made her feel comfortable during the interview.
*. They arranged the furniture to make the space more comfortable.
A comfortable lifestyle is essential for happiness.
舒适的生活方式对于幸福至关重要。 -
The weather was comfortable for a picnic.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Cozy:通常指小而舒适的空间,带有温馨的感觉。
- Pleasant:指令人愉快的,但不一定强调舒适感。
- Relaxed:强调放松的状态,可能不是物理上的舒适。
- Uncomfortable:指使人感到不适或不自在的状态。
- Awkward:通常表示不自然或难堪的状态。
- Stressful:强调带来压力的状态,通常与情绪和心理状态相关。
. 学方法
7. 关联词汇
- Comfortable chair(舒适的椅子)
- Comfortable shoes(舒适的鞋子)
- Comfortable environment(舒适的环境)
- Comfortable position(舒适的位置)
1、[ADJ] If a piece of furniture or an item of clothing is comfortable, it makes you feel physically relaxed when you use it, for example because it is soft. 令人舒服的
例:...a comfortable fireside chair.…一把令人舒服的炉边椅子。
2、[ADJ] If a building or room is comfortable, it makes you feel physically relaxed when you spend time in it, for example because it is warm and has nice furniture. 令人舒适的
例:A home should be comfortable and friendly.家应使人感到舒适与和睦。
3、[ADV] comfortably 令人舒适地
例:...the comfortably furnished living room.…布置舒适的起居室。
4、[ADJ] If you are comfortable, you are physically relaxed because of the place or position you are sitting or lying in. 感到舒服的
例:Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.躺在床上让你自己舒服些。
5、[[ADV with v]] comfortably 感到舒服地
例:Are you sitting comfortably?你坐得舒服吗?
6、[ADJ] If you say that someone is comfortable, you mean that they have enough money to be able to live without financial problems. 宽裕的
例:"Is he rich?"—"He's comfortable."“他富有吗?”—“他生活宽裕。”
7、[ADV] comfortably 宽裕地
例:Cayton describes himself as comfortably well-off.凯顿把自己描述为生活很富裕。
8、[[ADJ n]] In a race, competition, or election, if you have a comfortable lead, you are likely to win it easily. If you gain a comfortable victory or majority, you win easily. 轻易的
例:By half distance we held a comfortable two-lap lead.赛程未过半我们就轻易领先了两圈。
9、[[ADV with v]] comfortably 轻易地
例:...the Los Angeles Raiders, who comfortably beat the Bears earlier in the season.…曾在本赛季的早些时候轻易地击败了熊队的洛杉矶袭击者队。
10、[[v-link ADJ]] If you feel comfortable with a particular situation or person, you feel confident and relaxed with them. 轻松的; 自在的
例:Nervous politicians might well feel more comfortable with a step-by-step approach.紧张不安的政治家们也许会对逐步解决问题的方式感到更轻松些。
例:He liked me and I felt comfortable with him.他喜欢我,而我和他在一起也感觉轻松自在。
11、[[ADV after v]] comfortably 轻松地; 自在地
例:They talked comfortably of their plans.他们轻松地讨论了他们的计划。
12、[ADJ] When a sick or injured person is said to be comfortable, they are without pain. 无痛苦的
例:He was described as comfortable in the hospital last night.据说昨晚他在医院里没有感到痛苦。