
时间: 2025-03-05 20:49:04





1. n. 枪支;枪状物;持枪歹徒

2. vi. 用枪射击;加大油门快速前进

3. vt. 向…开枪;开大油门

4. n. (Gun)人名;(瑞典)贡;(英)冈;(俄、意)古恩


CET4   TEM4    ( gunning, gunned, guns )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:"gun"指的是一种远程武器,通常通过火药发射子弹或其他弹药。
  • 词性:名词(noun)。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:"gun"的词源可能来自古英语“gunne”,意指“枪”或“炮”,这个词的具体起源尚不明确,可能与古法语“gonne”或德语“kanone”有关,均指代火器。

  • 历史背景:该词在14世纪首次使用,最早可能指的是一种机械装置,用于发射弹药。最早的文献中提到“gun”的使用与军事和战争密切相关。

  • 课本:在**的中学英语课本中,通常会在初中或高中阶段接触到该词。在牛津和美国的教材中,可能在初中阶段的阅读理解中出现,尤其是在与战争或武器相关的主题中。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,"gun"通常用于军事、法律或公共安全的讨论中。

    • 在非正式语境中,"gun"可以用于日常交流,甚至是俚语,比如“I’m going to get my gun ready for the game.”(我要准备好我的枪去打猎。)

    • 引证解释:在文学作品中,例如海明威的《老人与海》中,虽然没有直接提到"gun",但描述的海洋斗争类似于用"gun"面对挑战的勇气。

  • 特殊场合:在法律领域,"gun"常常涉及到枪支管制和所有权问题。在科学领域,可能用于物理和工程学中讨论弹道学。

4. 示例句子:

  1. The soldier was trained to use a gun effectively.
    • 这名士兵接受了有效使用枪支的训练。
  2. Gun control laws vary significantly from state to state.
    • 枪支管制法律在各州之间差异显著。
  3. He bought a new gun for hunting purposes.
    • 他为了打猎目的买了一把新枪。
  4. The police found the gun at the crime scene.
    • 警方在犯罪现场发现了枪支。
  5. Many people advocate for stricter gun regulations.
    • 许多人提倡更严格的枪支管制。

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • firearm:通常指任何种类的枪支,强调其功能。
    • weapon:更广泛的术语,包含各种类型的武器。


  • 反义词

    • peace(和平):与“枪”所代表的战争和暴力相对立。
    • disarmament(裁军):指减少或消除武器的过程。

. 学方法:


  • 音标:[ɡʌn]
  • 记忆方法:通过反复朗读该音标,结合其含义,帮助记忆。可以与图像结合,比如枪的图片,增强记忆效果。

7. 关联词汇:

  • ammunition(弹药)
  • fire(开火)
  • shoot(射击)
  • reload(重新装弹)
  • safety(安全)



1、[N-COUNT] A gun is a weapon from which bullets or other things are fired. 枪

  1. 例:He fled, pointing the gun at officers as they chased him.他一边逃跑,一边用枪对准追他的警察。

  2. 例:He just seemed like a normal military guy who liked guns.他看上去就好像一个喜欢枪的普通军人。

2、[N-COUNT] A gun or a starting gun is an object like a gun that is used to make a noise to signal the start of a race. 发令枪

  1. 例:The starting gun blasted and they were off.发令枪一响,他们跑了出去。

3、[[美国英语]] To gun an engine or a vehicle means to make it start or go faster by pressing on the accelerator pedal. 把…发动起来; 给…加大油门

  1. 例:He gunned his engine and drove off.他把引擎发动起来,开车走了。

4、[PHRASE] If you come out with guns blazing or with all guns blazing, you put all your effort and energy into trying to achieve something. 奋力

  1. 例:The company came out with guns blazing.这家公司尽了全力,大干了一场。

5、[[非正式]] If you jump the gun, you do something before everyone else or before the proper or right time. 过早行动

  1. 例:It wasn't due to be released until September 10, but some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early.应该到9月10日才发行的,但一些书商已抢先行动,决定提早销售。

6、[[非正式]] If you stick to your guns, you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong. 固执己见

  1. 例:He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her.他本该坚持立场,拒绝见她。