时间: 2025-03-04 10:33:26
1. adj. 绿色的;青春的
2. n. 绿色;青春
3. vt. 使…变绿色
4. vi. 变绿色
5. n. (Green)人名;(英、意)格林;(瑞典、芬)格伦
[green] 英文单词学*与分析
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:指代颜色,通常与自然、草地、树木等相关联,象征生命、成长和新鲜感。可以引申为“环保”或“未成熟”。
- 词性:形容词(adjective),名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源
- 词源分析:该单词源自古英语“grēne”,与德语的“grün”及荷兰语的“groen”有共同的日耳曼语根,意为“生长”或“发芽”。
- 历史背景:首次记录使用可追溯到公元前7世纪的古英语,表示颜色的同时也象征着春天和新生命。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在商业环境中,可能用来描述环保政策或可持续发展(如“green energy”绿色能源)。
- 非正式:日常交流中可用来形容一个人的经验不足(如“He's still green at this job.” 他在这个工作上还是个新手)。
- 法律:法律文献中,"green"可能用来描述环保法规(如“green laws”)。
- 科学:在生态学中,常用“green”来描述生态平衡或植物生长(如“greenhouse effect”温室效应)。
4. 示例句子
The grass is very green after the rain.
(一般日常用语) -
Many companies are now investing in green technologies.
(商业新闻) -
He is still green in his new role as a manager.
(职场交流) -
The green movement aims to promote environmental awareness.
(社会**) -
The green apples are not ripe yet.
5. 同义词与反义词
- verdant:通常形容茂盛的绿色植物,强调生机勃勃的状态。
- eco-friendly:强调对环境友好的特性。
- brown:通常指干枯或死亡的植物,表示缺乏生命力。
- ripe:用来形容水果或其他生物成熟的状态,与“green”在成熟度上相反。
. 学方法
- 音标记忆法:/ɡriːn/,可以将音标与“绿”的发音相联想,帮助记忆。
- 词根记忆法:记住“生长”的概念,这有助于理解“green”与生命、新鲜等相关的含义。
7. 关联词汇
- greenhouse(温室)
- greenery(绿植)
- green card(绿卡)
- green light(绿灯,表示允许)
- green energy(绿色能源)
1、[COLOR] Green is the colour of grass or leaves. 绿色的
例:Yellow and green together make a pale green.黄色和绿色在一起就成了嫩绿色。
2、[ADJ] A place that is green is covered with grass, plants, and trees and not with houses or factories. 绿色植物覆盖的
例:Every street ends at a park or bit of green space.每条街的尽头都是一个公园或一块绿地。
3、[N-UNCOUNT] greenness 翠绿
例:...the lush greenness of the river valleys.…河谷的郁郁葱葱。
4、[[ADJ n]] Green issues and political movements relate to or are concerned with the protection of the environment. 与环保有关的
例:The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.德国环保运动的力量已经使该国成了循环利用更多废料运动中的领先者。
5、[ADJ] If you say that someone or something is green, you mean they harm the environment as little as possible. 环保的
例:...trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies.…试图说服政府通过更环保的政策。
6、[N-UNCOUNT] greenness 环保
例:If you'd like to recognize the greenness of an individual or organization, why not nominate them for an Environmental Achievement Award.如果你想赞扬某个人或团体的绿色环保行为,何不将他们提名为环境成就奖的候选人?
7、[N-COUNT] Greens are members of green political movements. 环保运动的成员
例:The Greens see themselves as a radical alternative to the two major political parties.绿党成员们将自己视为与两大政党截然不同的选择。
8、[N-COUNT] A green is a smooth, flat area of grass around a hole on a golf course. 果岭 (高尔夫球场中靠近球洞的平整区域)
例:...the 18th green.…第18洞果岭。
9、[N-COUNT] A green is an area of land covered with grass, especially in a town or in the middle of a village. (尤指城镇或村庄中心的) 绿地
例:...the village green.…村子中心的绿地。
10、[ADJ] If you say that someone is green, you mean that they have had very little experience of life or a particular job. 缺乏经验的
例:He was a young fellow, very green, very immature.他是个年轻的家伙,没什么经验,很不成熟。
11、[[英国英语]] If someone has green fingers, they are very good at gardening and their plants grow well. 高超的园艺技能
例:She has unbelievably green fingers, she can grow anything.她的园艺技能相当高超,什么都会种。