时间: 2025-03-07 10:48:04
1. n. 粮食;颗粒;[作物] 谷物;纹理
2. vi. 成谷粒
3. vt. 使成谷粒
4. n. (Grain)人名;(法)格兰
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:该单词的字面含义指“谷物”或“颗粒”,通常指小的、硬的种子,尤其是指小麦、玉米、稻米等农作物的种子。
- 词性:名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源:
- 在**的英语教材中,可能出现在初中和高中阶段,尤其是与农业、食品相关的单元。
- 在牛津和美国的教材中,通常出现在关于食物、营养或经济的章节,适合小学高年级及以上的学生。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在农业经济研究、食品安全标准等正式文件中使用。
- 例:The grain market has seen significant fluctuations this year.(今年谷物市场波动显著。)
- 非正式:在日常交流中,可以用于描述食物或家常菜。
- 例:I love adding a bit of grain to my salad.(我喜欢在沙拉中加点谷物。)
- 科学:在营养学中,grain常指纤维和营养成分丰富的谷物。
- 例:Whole grains are essential for a balanced diet.(全谷物对均衡饮食至关重要。)
- 法律:在与农业相关的法律条款中,grain可能涉及粮食的分配和生产。
- 例:The new law regulates the trade of grain commodities.(新法规定了粮食商品的贸易。)
4. 示例句子:
The farmer harvested a large quantity of grain this season.
农民在这个季节收获了大量的谷物。 -
Eating whole grain bread is better for your health.
吃全谷物面包对你的健康更有益。 -
The grain prices have increased due to the drought.
由于干旱,谷物价格上涨。 -
Ancient civilizations relied heavily on grain for sustenance.
古代文明在生存上严重依赖谷物。 -
She prefers to use organic grain in her baking.
*. The research focuses on the nutritional value of different grains.
Grain production is vital for food security in many countries.
谷物生产对许多国家的粮食安全至关重要。 -
The grain was stored in silos to prevent spoilage.
谷物被存放在筒仓中以防止变质。 -
Many cultures have traditional dishes made from grain.
许多文化都有用谷物制作的传统菜肴。 -
The grain harvest festival is celebrated every autumn.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- cereal:通常指早餐谷物,强调的是即食的形式。
- kernel:指谷物的种子或颗粒,更侧重于个体小颗粒。
- liquid:指液体,与谷物的固态形式形成对比。
- debris:指残余物或杂物,可以与谷物的整齐与可食用性形成反差。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:学*“grain”的发音 /ɡreɪn/,可通过重复发音来加深记忆。可以尝试将其与“gain”相联系,意义上的“获得”与“谷物”的重要性联系起来。
7. 关联词汇:
- grain market(谷物市场)
- grain production(谷物生产)
- whole grain(全谷物)
- grain farming(谷物农业)
- grain storage(谷物储存)
1、[N-COUNT] A grain of wheat, rice, or other cereal crop is a seed from it. (麦、米等) 粒
例:...a grain of wheat.…一颗麦粒。
2、[N-MASS] Grain is a cereal crop, especially wheat or corn, that has been harvested and is used for food or in trade. 谷物
例:...a bag of grain.…一袋谷物。
3、[N-COUNT] A grain of something such as sand or salt is a tiny, hard piece of it. 细粒
例:...a grain of sand.…一粒沙子。
4、[[N 'of' n]] A grain of a quality is a very small amount of it. 一点
例:There's more than a grain of truth in that.其中包含不少真理。
5、[N-SING] The grain of a piece of wood is the direction of its fibres. You can also refer to the pattern of lines on the surface of the wood as the grain. (木材的) 纹理
例:Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain.顺着木材的纹理刷上厚厚的漆。
6、[PHRASE] If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles. 同…格格不入
例:Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.私有化与他们反对产业私有制的原则相违背。