
时间: 2025-03-12 07:08:27





1. n. 刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目

2. vi. 瞪眼表示

3. vt. 瞪视;发眩光


TEM4    ( glaring, glared, glares )


1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思glare 意为强烈的光或刺眼的光线。作为动词,它表示用愤怒或不满的目光盯着某人。
  • 词性:名词、动词。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析glare 源自古英语 glerian,意为“闪耀”或“发光”。它的词根可能与古诺尔斯语中的 glaera(意为“闪光”)相关,表明了它关于光亮的含义。

  • 历史背景:该词在1*世纪首次进入英语文献,常见于描述阳光或其他明亮光源的上下文。

  • 课本

    • 在**的教材中,glare 可能出现在初中或高中的英语课本中,尤其在描述自然现象或情绪表达的单元。
    • 在牛津大学的英语教材中,glare 通常在中级到高级的词汇部分出现。
    • 在美国的教材中,glare 可能在高中英语文学作品分析中被提及。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在科学文献中,glare 可能用于描述光污染对天文学的影响。
    • 例:The glare of city lights can obscure the visibility of celestial bodies.
    • 非正式:在日常交流中,glare 常用于描述愤怒的目光。
    • 例:She gave him a glare when he interrupted her.
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文件中,glare 可用于描述证人目击到的情况。
    • 例:The witness reported seeing a glare from the suspect's flashlight.
    • 科学:在研究光学现象时,glare 用于描述光线的强度及其对观察的影响。
    • 例:Glare can significantly affect the accuracy of measurements in optical experiments.

4. 示例句子

  1. The glare of the sun made it difficult to see.

  2. She shot him a glare that could freeze fire.

  3. The glare from the headlights blinded him temporarily.

  4. The artist captured the glare of the ocean under the sun.

  5. He glared at the person who cut in line.

*. The glare of the neon signs was overwhelming at night.

  1. She couldn't help but glare at her roommate for borrowing her clothes without asking.

  2. The glare of the fluorescent lights made her feel uneasy.

  3. In the courtroom, the defendant gave a glare to the prosecution.

  4. He tried to shield his eyes from the glare of the snow.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Blaze:强调明亮的火焰或强烈的光。
    • Gleam:通常指微弱而明亮的光,强调光的闪烁。
    • Glint:指小而明亮的光点,常用于描述反射。
  • 反义词

    • Shade:指阴暗部分,与光明相对。
    • Dullness:指缺乏光泽或亮度,与刺眼光线相反。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法glare 的音标为 /ɡlɛr/。可以通过重复读音和拼写来加深记忆。可以尝试将其分音节:g-lare,帮助记忆。

7. 关联词汇

  • Bright:明亮的
  • Light:光
  • Shine:照耀
  • Stare:凝视
  • Frown:皱眉

通过以上的学*与分析,可以全面理解 glare 这个单词的含义、用法及其在不同语境中的表现。


1、[V-I] If you glare at someone, you look at them with an angry expression on your face. 怒目而视

  1. 例:The old woman glared at him.那个老妇人怒视着他。

  2. 例:Jacob glared and muttered something.雅各布怒目而视,嘴里嘟哝着什么。

2、[N-COUNT] A glare is an angry, hard, and unfriendly look. 怒视

  1. 例:His glasses magnified his irritable glare.他的眼镜使他怒视的目光显得更凶了。

3、[V-I] If the sun or a light glares, it shines with a very bright light which is difficult to look at. 发出刺眼的光

  1. 例:The sunlight glared.太阳光很刺眼。

4、[N-UNCOUNT] Glare is very bright light that is difficult to look at. 刺眼的光

  1. 例:...the glare of a car's headlights.…汽车前灯刺眼的强光。

5、[N-SING] If someone is in the glare of publicity or public attention, they are constantly being watched and talked about by a lot of people. 显眼; 张扬

  1. 例:Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.据说诺尔玛不喜欢张扬。

6、[[美国英语]] smooth and glassy 光滑的

  1. 例:glare ice