
时间: 2025-03-06 18:06:51


:[əˈfɪʃəl; oʊˈfɪʃəl]



1. adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的

2. n. 官员;公务员;高级职员


CET4   TEM4    ( officials )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思:The term "official" refers to something that is authorized or recognized by a governing body or organization. It indicates that an action, statement, or document has been formally approved or validated.
    • 词性:形容词 (adjective) / 名词 (noun)
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析:The word "official" originates from the Latin word "officialis," which means "of or belonging to an office." The root "officium" means "office" or "duty," highlighting the connection between authority and responsibility.

    • 历史背景:The term has been in use since the Middle Ages, often referring to individuals holding positions of authority or roles within governmental or religious institutions.

    • 课本:在**的教材中,"official" 通常出现在初中和高中英语课本中。美国的教材中,小学高年级及以上的学生也会接触到该词,特别是在社会学或历史课程中。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境

      • 在正式语境中,"official" 常用于法律文件、政府公告和商业信函中。例如:“The official statement from the government addressed the recent policy changes.”(政府的正式声明讨论了最近的政策变化。)
      • 在非正式语境中,"official" 可能用于日常对话中,表示某件事情是被认可的。例如:“That’s my official excuse for being late.”(那是我迟到的正式理由。)
    • 特殊场合

      • 在法律领域,"official" 可能用于描述法律文件或程序的正式性,如“official records”表示官方记录。
      • 在科学领域,"official" 可能用来指代经过验证的研究结果或声明,例如:“The official report confirmed the findings of the study.”(官方报告确认了研究的发现。)
  4. 示例句子

    1. The official announcement was made during the press conference.
    2. She received an official letter from the university regarding her admission.
    3. It is important to follow official guidelines when conducting research.
    4. The official website provides all the necessary information.
    5. He was appointed as the official representative of the organization.
  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词
      • "Authorized": 具有正式的批准或授权,例如:"The authorized personnel only."(仅限授权人员。)
      • "Formal": 强调正式性,例如:"The formal event was attended by dignitaries."(正式活动有尊贵嘉宾出席。)
    • 反义词
      • "Unofficial": 指未得到正式认可的,例如:"The unofficial report circulated among the staff."(未正式报告在员工中传播。)
      • "Informal": 指非正式的、随意的,例如:"They had an informal meeting to discuss ideas."(他们举行了非正式会议讨论想法。)

*. 记忆方法

  • 词根记忆法:可以将“official”分解为“offic-”和“-ial”。“offic-”与“office”相关联,意味着与职务或责任有关,而“-ial”表示形容词的性质。这种方式有助于理解该词的本质。
  1. 关联词汇
    • 常见搭配
      • Official documents(正式文件)
      • Official statement(正式声明)
      • Official capacity(官方身份)
      • Official records(官方记录)
      • Official representative(官方代表)



1、[ADJ] Official means approved by the government or by someone in authority. 官方的; 正式的

  1. 例:According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.根据官方数字,有一千多人在革命中丧命。

  2. 例:An official announcement is expected in the next few days.一份官方声明预计会在接下来的几天内发表。

2、[ADV] officially 正式地

  1. 例:The election results have still not been officially announced.选举结果仍未正式宣布。

3、[[ADJ n]] Official activities are carried out by a person in authority as part of their job. 公务的

  1. 例:The president is in Brazil for an official two-day visit.总统正在巴西进行为期两天的正式访问。

4、[[ADJ n]] Official things are used by a person in authority as part of their job. 官员的

  1. 例:...the official residence of the head of state.…国家元首的官邸。

5、[[ADJ n]] If you describe someone's explanation or reason for something as the official explanation, you are suggesting that it is probably not true, but is used because the real explanation is embarrassing. 对外宣称的

  1. 例:They realized that the official explanation left facts unexplained.他们意识到那个对外宣称的解释没有对事实做出解释。

6、[[ADV with cl/group]] officially 对外宣称地

  1. 例:Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.据宣称,警卫是来保护我们的。实际上,他们是来监视我们的行动的。

7、[N-COUNT] An official is a person who holds a position of authority in an organization. 官员

  1. 例:A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.联合国一位高级官员希望本月访问巴格达。

8、[N-COUNT] An official at a sports event is a referee, umpire, or other person who checks that the players follow the rules. 裁判

  1. 例:Officials suspended the game because of safety concerns.出于安全考虑,裁判暂停了那场比赛。